Sunday 22 September 2024

Stitching News

I know, I know. I couldn't get my computer to work properly. It turned out to be the batteries in the keyboard. The had corroded and made a lot of mess. On top of that, Blogger has changed how I add photos, why must they change things? It drives me nuts. My computer did an update, I know they have to but that drives me nuts too! It's a good job my Lilly can help me out. You'll be pleased to know that eventually, I found where the photos were hiding. I can only add them one at a time so it takes a while.
Lets catch up
Princess Jackie finished her Toy Time Circus quilt. Quirky, bright and fun. Perfect for baby gifting. Jackie has decided to add a few more quilting stitches to her borders but it's technically fabulous and finished, toot toot toot

You may well be thinking that you have seen this Santa Runner sandwich before? Gail has made 3 or 4 of them in the past. The secret is not to show them to people so they can't request one for their very own selves, ha ha ha. It is a fabulous project but Gail declared that there won't be any more made, lets see how that goes! 
This lovely snowman runner is next up for a fanfare. Fabulous and finished and ready for gifting in good time for sewing prevention season. Toot toot toot Gail, I wonder how many more of these you will be making.

Pam is continuing with her Log Cabin blocks. After declaring that she would not make any more large quilts for a long time, this one will be large!! She can't help herself!! I think she's made 25 blocks so far

and here's the evidence that many more are planned.

More pics tomorrow, fingers crossed!

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