My pictures are a bit out of sequence. As am I!!!
Deb was asked to make this baby play mat after her daughter had gifted one to a friend. It's dangerous allowing people to look at your quilts! Deb rose to the challenge though. Luckily, she was able to purchase one of my pre-cut "Eye Spy Six Packs" so that was a chunk of the work saved. 30 x 6 inch squares, all different designs, winner! The top is soon to be sandwiched.
Sue's top is finished. She had managed to find a little stitchy time during the festive break so was able to finish all the 9 inch border blocks. She's delighted with the look, and rightly so. The backing has been prepared and a sandwich will be made next Friday... a Sandwich Saturday but on a Friday!! If you need to use all the tables to make a sandwich, it's the only way.
I also had a baby gifting quilt to make over the festive break, (it is now finished) I was making a sandwich and remembered to take a piccy. "Eye Spy" play mats are a perfect gift for a baby. A practical gift to be loved, peed on, pooed on, snacked on, picnicked on, possetted and puked on and then absolutely washed to death, they can be tumble dried, as baby get older, they make great dens too.
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