Free Motion Quilting
I started this quilt when we came back to the UK... once the top was finished all progress stopped and it became a PHD because we decided to move my sewing room to my new Quilty Quarters.... My Sunday quilt class for this week was cancelled, so I decided to treat myself to some quilty time... I had to move furniture out of our living room so that I could make my sandwich on the floor (oh I miss my Quilt Cave...) I had to re-arange my Quilty Quarters to get this extra table in to take the weight and size of the quilt... not big really it is only 84" x 60"... all eventually ready so......
cracked on... I am using Aurifil again... lovely to quilt with. Only just noticed that it is 100% polyester though... how times have changed, once upon a time the quilt police would have shot me for quilting with polyester thread... not that I have ever listened to the quilt police! he he he
I miss your quilt cave too!
Your free motion quilting is awesome! I am just starting to get brave enough to try. I can't imagine doing it on such a big quilt though - I'm only going to attempt baby quilts at first. Anyhow, awesome job!!!
Aurifil is awesome... nice work and lots of color. To be honest, I prefer Aurifil to Gutterman... I think the Gutterman thread is too hard. My huble opinion.
To think that I would ever hear you say that you quilted with something other than COTTON... TImes HAVE changed.
Miss ya...
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