Monday 27 April 2020

Stitching News

The best way to start a blog post is with a fabulous and finished fanfare... New Sue finished her monotone gifting quilt. It's a wedding gift, just a little bit late, the wedding happened last November... but these wonderful art works cannot be rushed... Toot toot toot Sue.

Our Carol lost her sewing mojo when we were first told to stay home. Lots of people were left a bit nonplussed with the news at first. Carol wasn't in the mood at all for sewing, until she saw that her skills were needed for making scrubs...

Hats and hairbands... Well done Our Carol. A much needed resource and, as they are all fabulous and finished... you can have one of our special quilty toot toot toot fanfares.

Back when life was the 'old normal', a lady named Victoria came to my shop to purchase gifting fabric to take to the other side of our world. What a lovely thing to do! Judy, who lives on that other side of the world, sent this photo to show us what she made with her wonderful gift of fabric. Thank you Judy, toot toot toot for your fabulous and finished quilt.

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