Saturday 8 April 2023

Catching Up, Stitching News

You probably noticed? Life got super busy here. I've been doing that running two separate businesses thing again, for 5 weeks, so time just got swallowed up. I'm not a natural for burning the candle at both ends!! Everything could calm down now as the other volunteer is back from his holiday, though it's time for the big build up to Uttoxeter Quilt Show from next week so, I might have to neglect my very important, quilty reports for a bit longer. Keep popping back please, ha!
Most of these pictures have been waiting in my camera for a over a week, you know what Beano says, "It is, what it is!"
Shirley put her quilt top together with these cuties. Dogs In Beautiful Batik Sweaters. Obviously it's another Elizabeth Hartman pattern. There will be major quilting decisions for Shirley as there's a lot of background which will need to be filled in with a row or two of stitching.

Jan is also using an Elizabeth Hartman pattern, such elegant swans! Each one has a different black and white highlight fabric for the feather detail, it is going to be a stunning quilt! Jan declared that stitching the heads and beaks is not for the faint hearted, ha!

Rose finished her Wolf quilt. 
It's is fabulous and finished just in the nick of time for gifting. 
Toot toot toot Rose. I hope you can see the personalised letter quilting?

Tah Dah. Much easier to see the quilting from the back. Rose kept the bobbin thread colours the same as the top stitching so there are 5 cute little Wolfie characters on the back too. Luckily the initials are W and Y which are the same in reverse.

Sister Susie finished her Twister Wreath table topper. 
It is fab-u-lous! made with a Moda festive Charm Pack, toot toot toot. 
Thank you for sending the picture Susie.

This is Pam's table of projects to be worked on in class one day.
Left, a pink Premature baby quilt to be sandwiched.
Centre, A hexagon project, it now has a bit more fabric and a plan.
Right, Border blocks for her scrappy "we didn't go on the retreat" quilt.
Top centre? Another Elizabeth Hartman pattern purchase. 
This lady does like to work on lots of projects at the very same time.

Jean Bean had to go off plan with this splendid gifting quilt top. 
Mathemisms can complicate things! Unphased, the plan was revised, Beano is very flexibubble! and no-one will know, ooooops! Well, I guess you do now, ha!

Jackie and I were talking about our unfinished Hidden Wells quilt projects. Mine needs borders. Jackie's only needs sandwiching and quilting. Christabelle was inspired and intrigued. She chose her very own fabrics,  7 in total, pictured, and set about all the strip cutting, there's a LOT of strip cutting! and sewing strip sets. Slicing and twisting and block making! It's as easy as that!

We haven't seen anything from Jeannette for years. Work really does get in the way of stitchy fun!! She wanted to get back to quilting and started off with this fabulous set of quilted sofa cushions. Toot toot toot Jeannette, fabulous and finished, welcome back to the dark side!

I told you! 
Pam took her new farm pattern purchase home and lick-etty-split, there was a chicken block picture arriving!! I've lost count, but it's a loooooong list of To-Do's

You know what? A bar counter is a good height for cutting on. No time is wasted in between pulling those pints. Customers were a bit curious, ha ha ha Progress is progress. This is for my "We didn't go on the retreat"  project.
And Yes, I do still have a stash of Brazilian fabric!

I could still use a few more volunteers to be Quilt Angels at Uttoxeter Quilt Show 21st to 23rd of April, please call me, 07807530441 if you are avail-a-bubble for an hour.

On top of all that excitement, there's a Sewing Saturday next weekend, 15th, in my shop.

And it's a Sunday Funday Sewday at Checkley Community Centre on 30th April, 9:30am - 3:30pm, have you booked and paid? 
£20.00 pay on booking and £25.00 to pay on the day.

Merry Easter break!!

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