Friday 26 December 2014

My Christmas Present Reveal

"What would you like for your Christmas gift this year?"
"I would like a small gift of time, please" 

At Close of business on Saturday 20th, I started to move fabrics from shelves and displays... thank goodness for my lovely trolleys... to make way for the new shelves... Thank goodness for Ikea!!
Fabrics were piled up everywhere, not to mention buttons, patterns, ribbons, Jelly Rolls etc

See, only a few hours of humping, shifting, deciding and mind changing and all was sorted... I lie a little now as the rest of the shop looks like we had a weekend bazaar!
You won't be able to find anything when you pop in next year!!


AlmaRosa said...

What a great present Angie!
A big hug for you and Dave from Mexico City!

Helen in the UK said...

How wonderful to get the gift of time and it looks like you've made very good use of it!
Looking forward to visiting in the New Year and seeing your lovely shop in person :)

Marie said...

Oh, your shop looks lovely! Many thanks to all the helpers.
I do wish that I could visit and see in person but it's a long way from my house to your shop.
Happy New year to all.