Monday 18 September 2023

Stitching News

September is proving to be a bit manic isn't it? Kid's back to school. Millions of birthdays! Last minute holidays, a bit of sunshine and now the night's are drawing in too quickly. Fabric is arriving at a scary rate, my very own shop is so disorganised at the moment, in a beautiful and inspiring way, ha!
Some of the ladies, including the Saturday Working Girls, have gone off on a sewing retreat, lucky spuds. I think we should just about be back to normal for the rest of this week.

Louise Merlot made lots of wee thistle blocks for her quilt. After choosing her favourites for the actual quilt she had three lovelies left over. And what do you know? Three is perfect to make a matching cushion, and you must know by now that we all love to make a cushion!!
Lou Lou decided that her quilt centre of Half Square Triangles was just the right size. She wanted to add a border and, as she had a lot of those 5 inch squares already cut, we decided to go with bricks. The inner border is a gorgeous Moda Grunge.

Deb has been stitching away at home. She is still enjoying all the planning and fabric choosing for each Snowman Collector block. Don't they look fabulous!

 Deb walked up to my shop, from the car park, she popped into the supermarket and found Mince Pies!!! It was a very, very, very, hot-melty hot day in my classroom too, how funny it is that we prepare for Christmas while we sweat! Oh, I meant perspire!! It's way too early for Festive food isn't it.

It seams that (see what I did there?) Merlot is on a stitching roll as this is also her quilt top. Adorable Pandas In Sweaters, another Elizabeth Hartman pattern, of course. There was a plan for a black border fabric but after adding that inner pink one, the plan changed. It really didn't need black after all. Sandwich time soon!

Di's getting on with her Christmas gifting projects, how cute are these table mats!! The binding needed to be just over one WOF so there was need for a join, just one join making it very easy not to sew the binding on with a join landing on a corner. Di got hers bang on a corner though. That takes a certain kind of skill! I shouldn't really mention that Di cut her binding perfectly at 2 1/2 "... but she left that at home and used the 3 1/2 strips that she found in her bag. It was a hot day, brains were melting. After all that and with a bit of unstitching, the table mats survived and look great. Toot toot toot for the fabulous & finished one.

This next weekend it's a Checkley Sunday Funday Sewday. 24th September,  9.30am - 3.30pm. 
Refreshments and a light lunch are included and the cost is £20.00 paid in advance and £25.00 to pay on the day. You still a few days to book a space if you fancy a one day retreat.

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