Wednesday 24 June 2009

Going, Going, Gone

15 years of living overseas is coming to an end, we are heading back to the UK.
The packers are coming today so I doubt I will be able to post for a while... I expect this move to take at least 2 weeks.
I aren't much for posting personal stuff on blogs and I vowed I would keep mine only for patchwork and quilting...... but the next few posts might be a little Me, Me, Me!!

I would like to make it official that I have had a fantastic 5 years in Portugal, I have met many lovely ladies, most of them I have turned into quilters... he he he, needs must.... we can't have too many quilty chums!!

They all say they will keep in touch and send me photos of their quilts and I hope they do!! of course I will post them here.....
The IWP ladies are settled in their new Quilt Bar and you and I can follow their progress here,
I have received a lot of e-mails asking whether I will continue my blog... of course I will blog as I search for new chums to stitch with, if I can't find a quilt group, I will make one, just like I did in Portugal...
Done, TTFN (ta ta for now)


me said...

Hi Angie,

Hope your move goes smoothly and that you settle in quickly to your new home- finding lots of quilting friends in the process!

Christa in Colorado

Inês said...

Hi Angela!
It seems like time went by really fast and you're going away too soon.
I just wanted to thank you for giving me the quilting bug and charing your passion for fabrics, quilts and a lot of chating:)
I'll keep on quilting!
Hope all goes well in the U.K.
I'll miss you!!
Big hug to you and a cuddle to Molly too:)
Inês (from classes at Arco Íris)

Rosália said...

Hi Angie

I miss you soo much! and litle Molly
I want to thank you for all you teached me.
I hope your move goes well.And please tell us about you.

Xicapapoila said...

Hello Angie,
You don't know me, but I am doing the exact opposite to you: 5 years ago I moved to Scotland, caught a quilting bug, and am, at the end of June, moving back to Portugal. Good luck with your move. I am sure it is just as bittersweet as mine.