Wednesday 11 January 2023

Stitching News

We are back up and running in my classroom and in my shop and boy did you have me running. I had to do a lot of fabric mathemisms for all the new projects and my brain was smoking! Not really, that wouldn't be a good look in a cotton fabric emporium would it. Needless to say I forgot to get pictures on Monday but here goes with a few from my  Tuesday ladies

Princess Jackie finished the last stitching details on this lovely quilt. Using the Tri-Recs rulers to make extra pointy-pointed triangles so they give the illusion of curves, clever huh?

This is the back, of course using up the extra fabrics and spare blocks and you can see the quilting very clearly from this side. Just fabulous and very finished, toot toot toot.

Angela made this quilt using this pattern from Piece O' Cake designs isn't it lovely! There's a lot of hand stitching because, she loves to hand stitch... and why not! See the border design, there looks to be hundreds of different fabrics there, but Angela assures me that there ore only 5, beautiful Batiks which are excellent for jobs like that. Toot toot toot Angela, a fabulous finish.

Christabelle needed extra table space as she was quilting long, straight, yet curved lines. Again the Tri-Tecs ruler tricked us, ha! When we quilt larger projects we do tend to knock everything else off the surrounding tables, never intentionally though.

Beano shocked us all a bit. She usually needs many classes to come up to speed at the beginning of a New Year, but not this year, I suspect there were new batteries from Santa as she got straight down to work on her quilting. It was almost finished at the end of class too, way to go Beano!

There's a Checkley Sunday Funday coming soon, Sunday 29th January 9.30am to 3.30pm.
I have lots of names on my list as folk booked themselves a place at the last meeting, but there's always room for more. Just contact me via email, or phone / WhatsApp 07807530441

This weekend coming it's our first Saturday Sewday in my classroom 10am to 3pm, more or less. You have to book in advance as space is limited, even though Christabelle won't be there knocking your stuff off the table, ha!

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