Friday, 21 March 2008

Scrappy Bargello

Progress.... I got all the strips sewn into sets. I even got three sets cut into the 2" strips. I stopped because I still need to show the ladies on Thursday (I didn't do it this week with so many being otherwise occupied for Easter) I also will demonstrate the Bargello method to the ladies in the classes at Paula's ( ) as I said before, I think it is a very visual thing to learn. Easy once you know how though.....
After very carefully ironing the sets and joining the ends to make tubes, I trimmed one edge and then cut the 2" strips.

Then unpicking horizontal seams in order to make the blocks move up diagonally, i will need 3 sets like this and 3 sets moving diagonally down to get the zig-zag effect.

This is a photo of my first "proper" Bargello quilt. I went to my first ever quilt camp ( with and this was the project we did. If the PIP ladies read this and want to send photos of their Bargello projects to me, I can post them here also.

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