Wednesday 11 December 2013

Aladdin's Cave??

 Lots of people enter my very own quilt shop and say 
"Wow, it's like Aladdin's Cave in here" and I say
"Oh No It Isn't!! It's Angie's Quilt Cave..." ha ha ha... take a looky look for your very own self.

You can always tell when My Lilly has been to visit... she picks up my trusty camera and snaps pictures from all angles, there were about 25 to choose from. Lilly wants to use some on my new web site that she's been building... now there's a mammoth task! But she's eating it, one bite at a time...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

What lovley pictures Angie your Lily certainly knows her way around a camera :-).
Your shop is far more magical than any Aladins cave!