Tuesday 15 June 2021

Stitching News

All Day Di, more locally known as Lady Lidl, has been busy sewing. Her woodland theme blocks are keeping her busy, and very happy. 
Two Foxes with perfectly coloured fabrics...

An Owl, very co-ordinated and smart looking

A Fire Fly, hot and fire-y. Isn't Lady Lidl clever! 
The Elizabeth Harman patterns can be a little daunting at the cutting out stage, especially with all the little bits and labels, but if you just follow the instructions and do as your are told, it all works out really well. I wonder what's coming next?

This is an update on Sporty Sue's Quilt Along, block of the month project 'Colour My World' such a lot of work has gone into this and Sue will keep us updated on her progress as it happens. Good job Sue!

Dora wanted to make a baby quilt. She keeps saying that she doesn't know much about patchwork and sewing but I think she's done a splendid job. The back is made too using up the left over fabrics, so I expect we might need our tooting trumpets soon.


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