Monday 7 March 2022

Disappearing Hourglass Block

There's a very well watched tutorial availabubble online for making the Disappearing Hourglass block, there are a few actually, but using the method of sewing all 4 sides of the 10" squares then cutting through diagonally to make 4 larger Half Square Triangles.
Having helped quite a few people put their blocks right after using this method, I cannot recommend it at all. Blocks with every side having a bias edge are a recipe for problems, especially if you didn't know all the edges would be stretchy.
Pauline arrived for her Checkley Sunday Funday with two layer cakes, one of Moda, Bella Solid neutrals and one not so accurately cut, in various qualities of blue fabric, with the intention of making the Disappearing Hourglass blocks as per the video tutorial. I had to explain the possible hic-cups/problems didn't I.

Pauline wanted to avoid the possibubble problems so had a go at making up a block using half Square Triangles made the usual way with 5" squares, draw a line down the centre, sew either side then diagonally slice.... bla bla bla. 
It made the cutest little Disappearing Hourglass block!!! 
Pauline declared that it was all too tiny, she didn't like all the little bits as they made it too tricky to enjoy! I get that... not everyone enjoys a fiddle-y-faff

Making Big blocks though.... how fabulous is the big block???
Half Square Triangles made with 10" squares!!!
I will definitely be making some of these with my "ugly stash" fabrics to use as a quilt backing... In fact, I have it next up on my "To Do" list! Of course I will show you what happens, just don't hold your breath, ha!

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