Monday 11 May 2015

Quilty Quarters

What a treat... nothing like an extra early start? Thank you Molly!! After finishing off all the important stuff, like household chores, shop bookwork, ordering more Art Gallery fabric, threads and supplies... I spent the rest of Sunday in my Quilty Quarters... and I had a plan!
This pattern, called Retro Stars had been decided and printed off last weekend... the 'How to piece it better with less wasted fabric' had been worked out on Monday, can see my scribblings in pencil? The fabric choices had been made last Tuesday in a lovely little quilt shop I know, tee hee... so there was no need to spend time rooooting in my significant stash and messing it up more than it already is...
 I got straight down to the cutting and stitching... I wanted to make test blocks... as I had changed the cutting and piecing plan significantly from the pattern instruction it was best to check my mathemisms... as you can see, and in my very own opinion, everything works perfectly and the Art Gallery fabrics I chose for the blocks look fabulous... I LOVE Love Love it... but, rewinding a tad... before I allowed the real fun to start, the was something needing attention...
I spent a little time quilting the borders on this bonus quilt. So it's made number two on my "This needs binding, I will do it later" list!
I hope you had a great weekend with some luxurious stitching time?

There's another long Bank Holiday break coming up. My shop will be closed on Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th opening as normal on Thursday 28th. Adding Sunday 24th to the list, that will be four days for possible stitching up a storm... fingers crossed, that will be my plan!


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love the colors in your block - that is going to make a fabulous quilt!

Ramona said...

The fabrics in your star blocks are so fun and cheerful. Love them!