Sunday was the last day of the Feira International de Lisboa. It has been a very busy week. 100's of thousands of people have been to the show, and whilst I know they haven't all stopped by to visit with Arco Iris A Metro... I, personally, feel that I have cut fabric for every single person. Tennis elbow??? no! but cutters shoulders... definitely!

This customer was very excited to see all the lovely fabrics. She had this bag with her and was happy to allow me to take this picture, she is going to come to Quilt Class to learn more about patchwork.... I can't wait to see what she produces in the future...

And here I am, happy playing shop with Dona Manuela. At this moment we were enjoying one customers dilema of how much fabric to buy. She had spent the previous day on the web site choosing which fabric to purchase at the store but when she saw it, it was even nicer than she had expected ... she took 3 metres and 3 metres of one that co-ordinated perfectly too.... not sure that ever happened to me !!! he he he
Today we will take the stand apart and take everything back to the shop. New Kona cotton fabrics arrived last week too so they should help fill all the gaps on the shelves because with all the empty bolt middles we had, there will surely be a lot of space?
This customer was very excited to see all the lovely fabrics. She had this bag with her and was happy to allow me to take this picture, she is going to come to Quilt Class to learn more about patchwork.... I can't wait to see what she produces in the future...
And here I am, happy playing shop with Dona Manuela. At this moment we were enjoying one customers dilema of how much fabric to buy. She had spent the previous day on the web site choosing which fabric to purchase at the store but when she saw it, it was even nicer than she had expected ... she took 3 metres and 3 metres of one that co-ordinated perfectly too.... not sure that ever happened to me !!! he he he
Today we will take the stand apart and take everything back to the shop. New Kona cotton fabrics arrived last week too so they should help fill all the gaps on the shelves because with all the empty bolt middles we had, there will surely be a lot of space?
Passei pelo seu stand e adorei principalmente os tecidos. Disse-me que havia em Oeiras uma loja onde vendiam os tecidos e davam aulas. Pode-me enviar a morada? O meu email é_
Obg e adorei o seu blog. O meu é
With so many new ladies my patchwork master wont have time for the old ladies...(this is me being selfish, hi,hi,hi) sorry for my bad english...
See you in a few hours...
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP ANGELA... COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOUR HELP.... :) Start resting up for next year.. I think my mother is planning on 10 stands... hehehehe
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