Wednesday 14 November 2012

Tuesday, With Tooting

Lovely Lyn was ready to show us her finished and seriously Tootable quilt.  She'd finished this beauty a few weeks ago but had fallen out of love with it... the break from working on it must have done the trick because she loves it again now, that's why we get to Toot Toot Toot for Lovely Lyn's beautiful quilt... better late than never eh! 

Jean Bean finished her latest project too. A 'snuggle quilt' in Jean's very own words... she wanted to make a quick to finish quilt, babies grow too fast don't they... so you gotta catch em quick for making lovely little quilts! Cute and fun fabric squares joined together... does it get faster than that?

Jean Bean appliquéd baby's name on the back of the snuggle quilt... what's that all about?
Ok, I jest for my own amusement, sorry... "What's it all about, Alfieeeee..." remember that one?
It's a great idea though, and makes a rather splendid, double sided snuggle.

Morning Judith is in the process of making a delicious Log Cabin quilt (like the one in the side bar called 'Lilly's Colours') it's such a lovely pattern... and what fabulous colours for a soon-to-be teenager! Judith made three blocks so she only needs 21 more.

Oh my word... is this ever a fabulous example of a Bargello quilt. Rose did a brilliant job, sticking exactly to the pattern instructions... There's a chart to follow... and she did just that! Easy quilts that look terrible difficult to the none-quilters... it was sandwich time... always followed by the quilting!

Lovely Lyn made a sandwich with her next top... she loves red and cream...  This lap size quilt will be/should be gifted to a very lucky fellow... I hope he appreciates it... if he actually ever receives it.. Lyn loves it... maybe she will keep it?

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