If you read my blog regularly, you will have seen the steady steps of progress with the making of this spectacular quilt. Merrily's now finished it... boy was she pleased with herself! It's all her own design made with inspiration from a similar picture in an old magazine. The centre took a while and, I think you will agree, it looks just like the Statue Of Liberty? It's made of all HST (Half Square Triangles) and was the starting point for the project.
The border blocks mix all things British with all things American and such a lot of thought has gone into them.
Toot toot toot Merrily, your quilt is absolutely brilliant!
Peggy had to give up on her sewing machine for now... those feed dogs have no right to keep throwing the quilt out and wobbling all over, and why a machine thinks it can change the size of the stitches as it pleases I don't know... It's a good thing we have Juki on hand with their wonderful sewing machines... so Peggy was able to finish her quilting, make her binding and start to stitch it on. |
Lyn Scatterpin, who tries so very hard not to scatter her pins any more, had finished making all the components of her large quilt blocks so has started to join them together. the secondary pattern is lovely and, we're thinking, quite clever! Lyn keeps bees and her honey is really delicious, thank you Lyn. |
Julie Beaver (she builds a little damn of bags and other stitching necessities around her workspace so no-one can get through) is whipping up these snowmen blocks, she needs hundreds of them with three children all wanting their very own snowman quilt! What a job eh... |
Di Butterfly fiddled about with the little pockets on her advent panel. They are quite tricky really, especially to get all the tiny seams level, but they're worth the effort... so I've heard, he he he |
This is a practice block. Merrily has designed another quilt so we are just checking the blocks out. It's often a good idea to make up sample blocks to know that you can do them and that you will enjoy making them before you commit to needing twelve or twenty of them. |
Barbara BB sandwiched and quilted her cushion panel. The Ohio Star can be quilted all the way round the middles and the star without stopping to tie off any ends... which helps to make it a peoples favourite! |
Taa-daa, Michelle My Belle spent quite a while deciding on the layout of her blocks trying to get an even spread of colour and fabric design... Success as you can see, it is fabulous! Borders have been chosen too, they're probably on by now. |
I have added a few more workshops on the list for 2014, check them out... they're going to be lots of fun so you will need to book your space as soon as possible.... details can be found by clicking the 'Workshops' tab at the top of my blog.
More new fabrics came... I know, what was I thinking... but they are really irresistabubble. I have a man building more shelves today, under the ironing boards!! Then I think I have maxed out on shelving... I thought that last time this happened though!
I have a great selection of fabrics on clearance at the moment... £5.00 per metre so, quite worth a lookey-look ... With shelves bursting... something has to give!
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