Tuesday 27 May 2008

Sneek Preview

Almost everything has a place to be now ready for our Quilt Show on Thursday and Friday this week.

My home is a quilt grotto!!! .. and I love it...

I am still sewing hanging strips to the back of a few quilts and a little binding needs to be completed.

This is a very small sample of the quilts on show, you will have to come visit to see the rest of them...


lacingnan said...

This show all sounds very exciting.Good luck with everything and may you reach the heights that you are aiming for."Power to the Quilters!"

Arco Iris a Metro said...

Angela... the show was beautiful... AWESOME. I posted all the pictures I took on flickr (www.flickr.com/photos/arcoirisametro -- in the QUILT SHOW heading). Hugs, PCC