Wendy brought her half square triangles and other gorgeous scraps and continued with her Katharine Guerrier project, isn't it fabulous!... this will be a sofa throw, one of a pair, so clever how it all works from just placing lights and darks in the right place... and Wendy's skill... of course
Krafty Karen had made little adjustments to a couple of her blocks, I think one or two were a bit smaller than we needed... but they're all good now. She decided, again, on the placement of the blocks. I say 'again' because I had downloaded the photos from my camera forgetting I was supposed to leave one in for Karen to use as a reference... wooops. She did sew all these blocks together but the photo was too blurred, another wooops on my part.
Arty Beryl was disappointed that Dotty Maureen wasn't with us, Dotty is always happy to help with pinning the sandwiches you see... no problem, my Mum (Gwynneth) was happy to help too. Sunny Side Up... that's what this quilt will be called, see the lovely beach-y holiday colours with the sunshine circles.. all making it an obvious choice for the name me thinks....
Annie Pie had a challenge. She made the borders using an article in a magazine I think, but there was no instruction as to turning the corners... (Helen in Portugal, are you cringing?) I have a book, "The Border Book" that I've used in the past, it shows you how to make these borders and the triangles for turning corners, keeping the pattern going... well, eventually Annie Pie closed the book and figured it out for her very own self... wooohoooo, it was very successful! There will be need for a coping strip, calculations will be made next time.
My Mum (Gwynneth) has chosen the green Kaffe fabric you see there, for her backing, it's rather busy in a huge amount so we decided to add some pieced blocks to break it up a bit. Incorporating the fabrics used on the front was just the ticket... piecing the blocks meant that the sandwich didn't get made but it will all be worth the delay...
Chris The Foot has calculated that she needs to produce 10 of these blocks every week to stay on schedule for the necessary completion date, A Wedding no less. She spent a lot of time piecing the smaller segments of the blocks together so completeing each block will be faster, in theory... let's see.
Linda came armed with new feet! for the machine I mean.. he he he... but, I know you knew that! A quarter inch foot, a darning foot and her new walking foot complete with a seam guide/arm. So, we added borders, made the backing... Linda purchased wadding from Table Top Shop, conveniently with wadding on the side!! She made a sandwich and made a good start on the quilting, a very productive day indeed.
Arty Janet has been quilting at home. She wanted big bold lines so she's used a close Zig-Zag stitch to get the perfect effect. These are one side of both cushions... no front and back here, just double sided, perfect eh...
These are the other sides, why make two cushions when you can have four? Arty Janet has started another project with wonky stars... oh, it's going to be soooo lovely.. girly colours and country-ish prints.. well, that was the theory this week, who knows what it will be next time... these arty people have such wonderful creative minds, don't they!
We meet again on Friday, 10th June... 10am - 3pm, should you like to come over to visit, we will be happy to have you with us!
1 comment:
That book, oh how can I forget it! But it was worth it in the end for my Hidden Wells, which I still dearly love. Bjs Helen
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