Amazing! From Malvern
WOW!!!I don't know about you, I only know about me and how I see things.... So... I think hand piecing and hand quilting are extra special..... I have no desire to stitch by hand though, I love playing on sewing machines... but I really appreciate the hand work, the hours that go into the projects. I will stand looking at hand work for a loooooong time.... WOW-ing.
This quilt, it's applique and embellishing, trapunto and quilting is all done by machine... WOW.
This quilt had a queue of people waiting for a closer look, others had people waiting, but this queue was EVERY time I went back.. and I went back a lot of times... WOW.
That's why I mentioned about the hand piecing, because this quilt had me feeling the same way... that it was so special because it was soooooo... ya know.... WOW!!!! and done by machine, unbelieveabubble isn't it. I went to talk to the lady who made it, even the little flowers are done by machine....
The lady is Pauline Ineson, she does classes and I could make a quilt just like (?) this... how cool would that be... one small problem... the course is one workshop per month... over 2 years! So, that's not going to happen is it... I asked whether I could go to learn how to make just one block, or two, I could make posh cushions (that no-one would be allowed to sit on!) but alas... you have to sign up for the full two years and the whole quilt, it is almost 2 hours drive from my house too.... not bad in this lovely weather, but in the winter and darkness... nope... I shall continue WOW-ing about it from a distance me thinks!Click on the pictures if you want to WOW with me, amazing! I would really like to make just one block, the fushias I think. I can buy the book and teach myself... not the same... I like to be shown how to do things... he he he, lazy?
Wow Angie, this quilt is breathtaking. So there's a book?
Thank you for sharing!
I agree with you Angela, wow, wow, wow. It is amazing to think it was done on a sewing machine.
Is there a book? I love her first quilting book, she signed it for me at the show.
I'm sorry ladies... looks like I made a mistake, duh!
For this applique quilt you have to go on the 2 year course... but I bet it will lead to a book.... lets see. There is a book by Pauline Ineson, it's the one for heirloom quilts(which you already have now Mandy). But that means three ladies are waiting for the applique one now... he he he
Hi I wished Id of met you yesterday now lol.... Im a mad quilter hence the name nutbudquilter I love quilts, reading about all these wonderful quilting people and making new freinds. Im scared of the sewing machine so do a lot of things by hand but I do attempt log cabins by machine.
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