Tuesday 15 October 2024

Stitching News

 Half way through October already! Where is the time going? It's true, the older I get the faster the days pass by. I have spent quite a few luxurious minutes in Quilty Quarters since returning from our lovely retreat. I wanted to get my Randolph & Rudy quilt finished.

The pattern, by Elizabeth Hartman, called for 44.5" border strips, which meant joining fabric to extend 1 strip by 2". I realize I could have cut the whole length from my background fabric piece, but I was trying to follow the pattern. I didn't want to join a little piece so, not following the pattern, I spent extra time making little festive flying geese units, and I am happy with them.

My shop doesn't open on Mondays which proved very convenient for my very own self. I pieced a backing from my home stash and walked up to my shop to make a sandwich, at lunchtime, ha! I've started the quilting but I didn't get very far. Quilts don't half take a long time to make.

I had packed another project for the retreat, just in case I finished the other 3, ha ha ha! as if. This was my testing block, I'm keen to make more of these blocks so I'll make it my Checkley Sunday Sewday project for the October and November sessions.

Which reminds me, have you booked your place for October 27th?

Monday 14 October 2024

Stitching News

I found some more photos...
This is Gail's Santa table runner. You might think she's been making it for a few years but no, this is her third one. The problem is, when people see how wonderful and Christmassy it is, they all want one, so another has to be made. Toot toot toot Gail, and congratulations on completing your LAST one! Of course I have me fingers crossed for Gail, just in case!

This one belongs to Princess Jackie. She and Gail worked on them during their sewing retreat in August, it was a bit like a race to the finish line. 
Both are very cute and want-a-bbuble.
Toot toot toot Jackie, remember not to show it to anyone, ha ha!

Christabelle is making a table topper too. 
No Santas involved on this one though. 
Every shade of green will be used. 
The pattern is from a book, I think it's called Skinny Quilts.

Deb has finished all her puppies now. She was playing with the placement of them all, making sure to mix up all the fabrics. This is one very cute project. Just needs the sashing and it will be ready to sandwich and quilt.

Sunday 13 October 2024

Stitching News

I thought I would try to catch up with a few fabulous finishes. All photos were taken well before we went off gallivanting with our sewing paraphernalia but I neglected to share them with you, tut & tisk! I was preoccupied with my cutting and kitting preparations. Anyhow, here they are:-
Rose had a good selection of green and cream fabrics left over from making the huge Log Cabin quilt she finished recently. In fact enough to make this lovely lap size quilt.
With the strip added in the centre for the backing, it sees Rose well able to declare that 'not a scrap was wasted'. Excellent use of fabrics. Toot toot toot Rose, fabulous, finished with lovely, free wheeling quilting too.

I saw this while Shirley was packing up one day. A very smart sewing machine mat. Made with little Tilda fabric squares, a great table protector to bring a smile every time the sewing has to be packed away. It's been made for a while but I didn't spot it before, toot toot toot Shirley.

Jan was asked to make this table topper. We normally make this design with a Charm Pack, that's 5" squares, but the lady needed a smaller version so Jan cut three and a half inch squares. It's really cute, fabulous and finished, toot toot toot.

These panels were very popular and as they were printed 'the other way' from normal, it meant you could purchase a quilt top of any length, all ready for sandwiching, like cheating but excellent fun to quilt.
A fabulous pieced backing helps tie it all together. A toot toot toot fanfare is due to Deb for another gifting project finished lick-etty split, well, if you don't count moving house twice in between purchasing the fabrics and finishing the quilt, ha!

A cushion of scraps. Made by Judy. She didn't allow herself to choose the fabrics, she just stitched all sorts together. She doesn't like it, I mean not controlling the colours, but did enjoy the process. Cushion sized projects are just the ticket for practicing different styles of patchwork. Toot toot toot Judy, it's a fabulous, and quite unloved, finish

Judy is delighted with her new cushion. What a splendid and rather sophisticated hound. She made it to gift to a fundraising event. I hope people don't argue over it!! Toot toot toot Judy, a belated fanfare for your fabulous finish.

Deb finished another I Spy play mat. I have 6" squares cut ready as 6 Packs in my shop, very convenient for you. Each square has a different design making it very interesting for any kiddo to help with learning about colours, counting, animals, fish, fruits and everything in between. Deb chose to use corner stones of digger wheels fabric. Toot toot toot for a fabulous finish

That should see us all caught up for now.
I'll give my very own self a 'See Me' and note that I must try harder to keep up with pictures. It's very hard to remember to do your job properly when your job is so much fun!!

Saturday 12 October 2024

Back To Normal

My shop will be OPEN AS NORMAL from today. I could get quite used to one day working weeks!!

We had a lovely few days on our retreat. Excellent location, massive sewing room with a million tables. Great and plentiful food and lovely company, as most quilters are, to sew with. Even the weather was kind to us.
I took a few photos of the projects in progress, here they are

I finished my blocks when I got home as I had mis-cut a few bits, and there are a lot of bits in this pattern!

Soon corrected!

We have other retreats booked. One in March 2025. One October 2025.
There are plans being made for June and August too.
All of these retreats will be at Hillscourt Hotel . It's a very handy location!

More information will be posted soon. Email me if you cant wait though. Angiequilts@gmail.com

Sunday 6 October 2024

Please take note

My shop is now closed for one week. Open again on Saturday 12th 9.30am to 4pm

Monday 30 September 2024

Stitching News

 A snippet of quilting news,

This lovely Reading Pillow has been gifted now, so I can show it to you. Di made it, she had been commissioned by a very important lady with only a brief, brief, "Motown please"! Di arrived for class with an idea of the design and her box of letter templates, then went with her creative flow. Hasn't it turned out well. Toot toot toot Di, a fabulous finish

Pam! Started yet another project!! Another commission job.
It's a simple design so Pam was soon ready to make the sandwich! I bet it's already quilted by now?

We had a lovely day at Checkley Community Centre yesterday. Sunday Funday Sewdays are a great introduction to retreat sewing, except you have to go home at 3.30pm, back to those waiting home chores!
I'm only mentioning that because next Monday, 7th October, we're off for 5 lovely long sewing days, on our retreat to the Lickey Hills Country Park, with no need to even think about chores!!
Obviously that means my shop will be closed after Saturday 5th and re-opening on Saturday 12th October, and I am not even going to apologize about it!

Stitching News, Christabelle Style

Christabelle finished her massive gifting quilt, it's trumpet time! Are you polished up, shiny and ready to toot? It's really tricky to fit the whole quilt in the photo but I'm sure you will get the idea.

The 3-D design shows up so well. On one side, Rose is holding the quilt up, she's on the photo step, right up high on her tippie-toes and Chris is at maximum stretch on the other side, I don't normally offer a quilty work out, it was a special offer!

This magnificent quilt is now ready for gifting. There's a retirement coming up, lucky spud!!
Toot toot toot-itty-toot Chris, a fabulous finish.

Time to toot again now for Chris
 She made her very own self a lovely new, everyday, tote bag. 

It's Personalized too. (the wonders of Amazon!)There are lots of pockets and a dividing piece in the middle which will come in very handy, I bet.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Stitching News

You must have heard me mention before that things can be the same, and completely different at the same time? Shirley had been quite taken with the idea of the Friendship Star block. She knew she wanted new sofa cushions, not just to take a break from huge quilts I might add, and decided to make 3 of them, all different, all with the same fabrics, all the same  finished size of 18", and all using the Friendship Star block, take a look...
One huge 18" star block, with 6" units.

4 Smaller blocks of 9" stars with 3" units.

and one On-Point 12" star block, with 4" units. Quilty math is fun!
Like I said, all them are the same, and yet all quite different!

Judy loves a bit of applique. She attempted this beauty a few months ago but it was all too fiddly so it got filed away in the round container (bin). Not to be defeated, she's doing it again now. I introduced her to Steam A Seam 2 (lite) It's a little more costly but is the very best thing for tiny and intricate applique. The tiny pieces can be stuck in place on a piece of baking parchment, allowing the original design to be visible underneath it, for placement. 

Then almost the whole flower was lifted from the parchment paper and stuck to the linen background fabric. Stuck but not permanently until Judy was happy to place the iron on top (with a piece of baking parchment to protect my iron) making it a permanent stick. She was extremely chuffed how easy it was too. Now to do the teeny-tiny stitches.