Tuesday 29 March 2022

Updating You

 Hello hello hello,

I'm still Covid positive and unwell BUT today (Tuesday) I'm slightly less ill.
I need to stay at home another day though. So my shop is staying closed.
I am really hoping to get to my shop for Thursday, though I don't expect classes to resume this week.
Only a negative test result would change that.
I'll let you know how that goes.

In the meantime, I am still trying to make a Union Jack block that I'm happy with.
I've made a couple the wrong way round, it's quite a technical design you know!!

I have downloaded 1 pattern,  This one.... my top block in the picture... It's too large and Foundation Paper Piecing

I Found 1 well explained tutorial (click this one ) but I don't want real flag proportions... That's the middle block, but the diagonal lines are perfectly lined up.

I also purchased 1 PDF pattern from this link, that's my bottom block. I am much happier with the dimensions of this one But none of the diagonals line up like a real Union Jack, which is fine, but not what I am after.
None of them give me what I want, maybe I'm too fussy!!
I will not be beaten, I have a plan and I have not given up yet!

Thursday 24 March 2022

Uttoxeter Quilt Show 2022

I'm organising the volunteers for Uttoxeter Quilt Show again this year.


Volunteers are called Quilt Angels...
For those who don't know, Quilt Angels are folk who protect the show quilts, like quilt bouncers!!!
We not only stop people from handling the exhibits (politely, no tasers will be used!) we can also help people to see all aspects of the quilts and considering quilts have only a back and a front, that's a lot of help, ha!!
We need enough Angels to protect the show for 3 full days.
Each Angel-ing session will last 1 hour.
If you could volunteer for 2 separate hours, that would be extra perfect.

Friday 22nd April, Saturday 23rd or Sunday 24th April
If you can spare one hour on either day, or need more information about it, please call me 07807530441 or email me angiequilts@gmail.com

Monday 21 March 2022

HST's in Quilty Quarters

 Half Square Triangles..
Possibly a million-gazillion triangles In Quilty Quarters...
I've been 'Triangle-ing' for hours and hours and weeks now.

The Juki UX8 makes that a pleasure!!
Just look at the size of that space and the light! 
This is my shop demo Juki, I'm learning about it for you.

I had piles!!!
All trimmed accurately to two inches.

Just the borders to be added...
I thought it was finished.... But the bottom was missing a row of blocks, can you see that?  It needed to finish with 5 centres not 4, I like balance and it would have really irritated me to leave it like this.

I had to unpick the border row and start triangle-ing again... 
Like magic the bottom is at the top!!

Does this explain it better? 
That's the 5 centre blocks done, more triangle-ing needed. The triangles are one and a half inches finished, crazy!

I went back on my blog to try to find when I started mentioning this project....
looks like it was  August 2008 (that is a linky and if you click it you will be transported back too)
So technically I've been triangle-ing for 14 years! 
It's almost there...

Sunday 20 March 2022

Stitching News

Lady Lidl's Ohio Star blocks have taken a bit of extra time because they are the planners... Planning fabrics and colourways is a very important stage, if you want it to be of course! This is going to be a large quilt and Di wants to make Ohio Stars in only a couple of colourways, so her choices are very important.

Three planning blocks done, there's one (maybe two)  more planners to make and if Di decides she's happy with the result, she will be/could be Triangle-ing for the next 12 months!!! But don't they look great?

Janis is making extremely accurate Court House blocks. Some folk cut fabrics for each block as they go, some cut up all the bits first then piece, none stop. Some folk cut loads, but not enough, then piece until they run out and cut some more... which is what Jan is up to... I like that, it's my style too.

With Elizabeth Hartman patterns it's a very good idea to cut all your fabrics at the very same time. It takes ages really but very well worth following the instructions...
Shirley is doing exactly as her pattern suggests....
Do you remember all those little black and white bits? 
Then, last week I showed you more units with the orange bits?
No-one guessed what they would be, this is a bigger clue week!!!
Any ideas?
Bev has piles!!!
It's a severe case of piles too!

It's a good job she has a 60 degree Triangle ruler to help her.
The slightly higher cutting bench in my very own classroom has helped too.
It's easier on your back not to be bending over all day long.
Not a stitch was sewn, Bev decided to cut up every Fat Quarter first...
She really wasn't procrastinating!

Lorna wanted a quick gifting quilt. A baby came a bit too early! Premature babies, I am informed, don't need all the patchwork seams for their delicate tiny bodies. Two pieces of perfectly sized fabric with cotton wadding and light quilting finished with the wonderful Faux Piped Binding

Tiny, fast, fabulous and finished, toot toot toot Lorna.

Next Sunday, 27th March is a Sunday Funday Sewday at Checkley.
As it turned out to be Mother's Day (in the UK) we will be a smaller gathering this time.
There are places available... if you can get out of cooking and sorting and entertaining your family!!! ha ha ha

Monday 14 March 2022

2 Years Already

It was a lovely Sunday. Our Little Anders had his second Birthday, bless him.
Born right at the commencement of these crazy Covid times.
This is what I posted when the lovely lad joined us.

Baby Anders was delivered safe and well on Friday 13th 
Nangie now has one of each colourquite content with that!
Little Faye loves him
, of course... she's 2 next week.
My Lilly does bake them well!!! 
Quilts are planned.

Of course I made him a quilt...

Sunday 13 March 2022

Stitching News

 Saturday Sewday was super busy. Folk working on their own projects while making lists of "I want to make that like hers!!!" it's very inspiring stitching in company isn't it. Not only do we stitch a lot but we laugh a load too. Excellent therapy!

 Merlot had purchased a pattern for this Union Jack on T'Interweb. The pattern was a bit vague but, as Louise has already conquered Foundation Paper Piecing previously, she was still able to make it. It looks great doesn't it... Moda Grunge Glitter fabric for the White bits makes it magical...  There will be more Union Jacks made for sure.

We had two new victims come to dabble... This beginner cushion, made with four different fabrics not the usual three fat Quarters, made by Jane who hasn't used a sewing machine before... my Juki DX7 made it easier!

A very impressive covered zip backing to boot.
 Toot toot toot Jane, a fabulous and finished, first ever patchwork cushion. 

Jane's Mum, Penny came at the very same time to have her very own dabble into patchwork and quilting. She was impressed by Jacquie's Sunflower cushion (a previous post) using just one main fabric so that's what she chose, obviously not the sunflower fabric...

The most beautiful fabric...(Norma checked out the last bit on the bolt when she saw it, so be warned)  Extremely stylish red piping on the zip panel... gosh we do make great cushions!!! Toot toot toot Penny, a fabulous and finished cushion.

Lou Lou has fledged from the quilting nest, whoop whoop. Since she became a Grandma she seems to have started understanding what she's doing... and she's as amazed as we are!! This very pretty Tilda fabric cushion is proof and evidence, it's looking lovely as a sandwich, the quilting has commenced too.

Debs saw a previous post about Jan's diagonal-ized (I know, but I've said it... so now it is a word!) quilt design and decided it was just what she wanted for her lap quilt. She set about drawing a few guide lines and that was her set for the day... it does look great doesn't it. 

I hope you will be pleased to know that I have 20 ladies booked for our Pilgrimage to the Festival Of Quilts on 21st August. There's still plenty of space on the coach if you would like to book a seat for your very own self or why not go with a friend or two.

Saturday 12 March 2022

Stitching News

 I think I have my students much better trained... I'm quite often hearing
"Angie, do you want to take a picture before I put it away?"
"Yes please, of course I do, I only have a shop to make my blog more interesting!" I reply.... well, it is the truth isn't it?

Farmer Lynda has been stitching in the evenings to get these cushion pieces finished... sometimes we just can't sew fast enough for our heads can we? But here it is... done. During class Lynda put a zip in... But not a concealed flap zip, of no, a very professional, In the bottom seam zip!!

 Superworm and pretty puddle didn't need the interruption of a flap! An absolutely Fantastic and fabulous and finished bench pillow, The puddle design is from the Bench Pillow book (it's in my shop!) Superworm was Lynda's interpretation of the book cover. Toot toot toot Lynda!

Fiona is very happy with the way her Gnomes have turned out, what smart fellows they are too. So cute! They are stuck down and are ready for the applique stitching, which will be blanket stitch, we all love the Juki Blanket Stitch! The Gnomes are from the book, Quilted Gnomes For The Home 

Sister Suzie is adding lots of quirky details to her 'not really ugly bird house quilt. This watering can will be pouring elephants! See the yellow wellies on the bird! I love those!!! I have a bit of tiny wellie envy, ha ha ha... Releasing your Imagination is for all ages!!

All Day Di made block number 2. When she made the first one it was a little practice but for block number 2 she cut out lots and prepared lots of units all at the very same time, you can just see them in  piles there... If I could just stop Di from Covid cutting, drives me nuts!

Remember the little black and white bits? 
No-one guessed what they were.
How about these with added orange bits, any ideas? 
There's a lot of work involved hear so go on, have a guess.

And the grand finale.... in situ
One wonderful Bench pillow
Stuffed and ready for use....

Dilemma, which side will be up? 
But oh no....Lynda's Little Granddaughter will have to wait to decide, once she recovers from Covid and can actually visit the cushion, very bad timing Mr Covid!!

Another guessing thing... 
A Hedgehog?
Bev, you are keeping us guessing!

Thursday 10 March 2022

Stitching News


Pam got all of the units sewn together, what a smashing quilt this is! There are still a couple of borders to be added but Pam's put it on one side now to get her Savanah Quilt finished, what with the Uttoxeter Quilt show looming... it's got to be finished in time.

Our Carol also got the counting units stitched together. What a fabulous learning aid this is. The funny thing is, to me... all the bits in the picture look larger than they did when Carol was cutting and sticking them, weird!! 

Judy loves a challenge. She likes thinking about her stitching in great detail so I challenged her to make some more intricate blocks... she nailed it didn't she, I'm loving the colours too. These are the practice blocks. Now Judy will move on to her 'bestest' fabric

More units all sewn together... Rose not only joined hers together,  she got the borders on and to the sandwich making too. She's looking forward to the quilting and she planned quite a lot of detail embellishing.

Gail made small sandwiches and very smart backings for her Cushions, that little pop of turquoise trim lights up the concealed zip flap, we are getting more adventurous with the cushion flaps aren't we!

Gail made two of these pretty purple-y cushion sandwiches too, such productive production Gail!!!

Christabelle had all of her preparation done by the end of the day so there will no doubt be a sandwich making session soon. This quilt is a request from granddaughter Tabitha and there's another quilt to design for her sister, Kitty. I think they will be the same but a bit different..

Bev did well didn't she!!Excellent Half Square Triangle-ing.
This is the start of a Hedgehog Quilt... 
I know, but you will have to wait to see how that will work!

Susan is another lady who enjoys a challenge... 
All those curves!!
This will be an exciting watch, the flowers will be blooming into life

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Bit Of News

 I din't get to blog writing this morning, even though I was up before dawns crack! 

I was triangle-ing at 6.30am I needed so many more, I've been at them for weeks!

Pressed and trimmed up ready for the last row on my 20 year long Ocean Waves quilt top and I declare that it should be done really soon

Another reason I couldn't blog was this
I ordered the thread stand but had to choose 49 colours, I don't know about you but choosing colours by number is my least favourite order to do. I really struggle with thread orders... But it's done.
Aurifil will be in my shop very soon. 
Along with my Superior Threads, King Tut, All colours of Presencia threads and a huge display with lots of Metler Threads.
You need choice!!! I give you choices! Excellent customer service eh?

Monday 7 March 2022

Disappearing Hourglass Block

There's a very well watched tutorial availabubble online for making the Disappearing Hourglass block, there are a few actually, but using the method of sewing all 4 sides of the 10" squares then cutting through diagonally to make 4 larger Half Square Triangles.
Having helped quite a few people put their blocks right after using this method, I cannot recommend it at all. Blocks with every side having a bias edge are a recipe for problems, especially if you didn't know all the edges would be stretchy.
Pauline arrived for her Checkley Sunday Funday with two layer cakes, one of Moda, Bella Solid neutrals and one not so accurately cut, in various qualities of blue fabric, with the intention of making the Disappearing Hourglass blocks as per the video tutorial. I had to explain the possible hic-cups/problems didn't I.

Pauline wanted to avoid the possibubble problems so had a go at making up a block using half Square Triangles made the usual way with 5" squares, draw a line down the centre, sew either side then diagonally slice.... bla bla bla. 
It made the cutest little Disappearing Hourglass block!!! 
Pauline declared that it was all too tiny, she didn't like all the little bits as they made it too tricky to enjoy! I get that... not everyone enjoys a fiddle-y-faff

Making Big blocks though.... how fabulous is the big block???
Half Square Triangles made with 10" squares!!!
I will definitely be making some of these with my "ugly stash" fabrics to use as a quilt backing... In fact, I have it next up on my "To Do" list! Of course I will show you what happens, just don't hold your breath, ha!

Sunday 6 March 2022

Stitching News

These are some of the projects that were being worked on during the latest Sunday Funday Sewday at Checkley (27th February)

Pam had been doing a lot of shadow quilting. She laid her quilt out to have a quick check where she was up to. It's easy to lose your way stitching on a larger project. Just one more animal to quilt around then Pam can start on the leaves. What leaves? Wait and see.

Carol has been making these blocks for a while. There are lots of little bits and details to be cut out and stuck down. She decided to prepare all of the blocks before starting the stitching so that when she threads up with each colour she can get all of that colour stitched... does that make sense?  When the thread is yellow thread on the Juki, all the yellow bits will be stitched.

Alaine came to one of my Stack-n-Whack Kaleidoscope workshops a while ago. She was quite pregnant then, glowing with a huge bump that didn't fit too well at the table, I remember. Now baby is 6 or 7 years old, ha! She's rooted and dug out all of the pieces ready to continue... These are the four stunning blocks that had been completed and all the other bits are cut ready for piecing.

Alaine also started this project at a workshop a few years ago and was thrilled to have the top completed during the Sunday Sewday. It's going to be a 24" cushion/pillow. Each of the blocks measures 6". It's ready to be sandwiched, but there's no rush is there! Slow Stitching... good for the soul!
Just Edna brought her latest fabulous and finished quilt to show us. It was going to be gifted immediately so it was our last chance to see it. This one caused a few tricky moments because someone got a bit rotary cutter happy and cut quarter square triangles instead of stopping at halves... but I rescued that!!

Edna used up her extra bits on the back which is one of my very favourite things to do... you must have noticed that by now? Toot toot toot Edna, it's a fabulous and finished gifting quilt.

Our next Sunday Funday Sewday is on Sunday 27th March. 9.30am - 4.30pm
I now realise that it's actually going to be Mothers Day, Mothering Sunday, whichever you call it.
I hadn't realised that at the time of booking the hall as it's not something we celebrate in my family, so I'm sorry if it clashes with your diary.
On the other hand... If you do recognise the date...
What a great gift to give to your Mum, or yourself!!!  A wonderful and uninterrupted day of stitching with like minded people... sounds like a winner to me!