Wednesday 25 November 2020

Brief Update...

My shop is allowed to open next week.
From Thursday 3rd December I will continue with the appointment booking system that was so successful before Lockdown.

You can call (or WhatsApp) to book your shopping slot 07807530441

You can email

Obviously, some of you use Facebook and Messenger... I'm not too fond of those but I'll do my best.

If you want to send your favourite messenger pigeon, that would be so cool! ha ha ha

A large box of new Batik fabrics has been delivered while we were on holiday enduring the lockdown... They were ordered in February!!!

Onward and upward... hope to see you soon.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Here We Go Again

Today is my last shop opening day... unless you've been hiding under a rock, you must have known that.
Once again we go into a lockdown but, thankfully, not quite as locked up as last time.
I've been very frustrated.... seen with my very own eyes many people not adhering to the Covid prevention advice. 
So many people wearing masks only covering their mouth, not the nose. Constantly touching the centre, most breathed on area, and therefore the worst area to touch.
I have walked out into the road to avoid closeness with pedestrians who carry on chatting without consideration. I've had a teenager step into my path to amuse his friends as I rapidly moved out of his path. I've been tutted at, had people say unkind things to me and some even be plain rude about what they consider my ridiculous actions, while I desperately try to keep to the advice to help stop the spread of the virus.
I've been to hospital with my dad and seen members of the NHS staff not adhering to the restrictions. I pointed it out to the staff, they looked at me blankly. I've collected prescriptions from the Chemist with the actual Chemist wearing his mask under his nose, some staff too and constantly touching the nose/mouth area of their masks.
I'm not going to rant about the stupid people who are gathering in large groups, though my goodness, I could.
I think most people are doing, or trying at least, to do their best, evidently we are not doing enough.

I can only know that I have done everything I could, what a goodie two shoes!!!
A clear conscience is a good thing. My hands are washed to death. I have so many masks I have a dedicated drawer! and I have kept my distance as much as I possibly could.
I've restricted my customers to one or an occasional bubble and had them all wash hands before being locked in my shop, stuff of dreams, ha ha ha!! 

Our Sunday Sewing at Checkley has been cancelled, obviously.
Most of us have cancelled our last Alison House retreat for December... May and September were cancelled for most of us too.
So with all this time on your hands, and not a lot of gardening to do, let's just be happy that we can quilt or sew.
Even I, my very good self, might unpack a sewing machine. 
I hope there will be inspiring pictures for us.