Monday 31 October 2016

Staffordshire Patchworkers And Quilters

As promised, here's the information about November's SPQ meeting.

Crazy Mary from Tamworth is coming to talk about her work. 
She is a qualified teacher of textile arts and crafts 
The meeting is on November 3rd at Walton Community Centre in Stone. 
Doors open at 6:45 with the meeting starting at 7.15pm-ish

I hope to see you there...
You won't be missing me, I hope, I volunteered for everything!!!

I will be supplying the milk and stuff for your cuppa and probably serving drinks too...
I was the only one who volunteered for this easy task.
I eventually did recruit a helper in Jenny though.

I will be Chairing the meeting.
Again, I was the only one who volunteered.
Our Chair needs a 'wingman' as she has to (yes has to) go on holiday! ha ha ha... I do hope someone else will volunteer for this job for future meetings.

I will be taking the details of all the wonderful people who offered to do a shift or two as a Quilt Angel next April... though I am not quite sure that I did volunteer for that job! 
Now, thank goodness, Margaret says she will help me with that job... phew!

I am sure others would love to volunteer to help... they just must have forgotten to mention it.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Stitching News

Our Sheila made a quilt using these designs quite a while ago...
Now she chose to use her pattern to make this lovely wall hanging set
All three beauties will be gifted... Sheila knows exactly where they will be hung.
Fabulous and finished, you know what to do?
Toot toot toot

Gail is making good progress with her festive stocking.
All the bits are stuck in place and blanket stitching is coming along nicely
There's a huge possibility there'll be tooting before Sewing prevention season.

Farmer Lynda is amazed at her progress. This project already has the binding attached ready for hand sewing in front of the TV... baby came early so the race is on. Lynda quickly moved on to her next project, which also needs a lick-etty-split bit if stitching.

Toot toot toot... A fanfare for a fabulous and finished quilt made by PM Pam... the one she says is "Not bad for a quickie" It's for a girly girl so the fabrics are perfect. not too flowery, not too pink, but quite girly indeed.

I like to show the back when the quilting shows up so well, see Pam used up all the little bits to add that very handy strip... the back is very girly and very pink! ha ha ha

Keep your trumpets aloft... This is Gails fabulous and finished gifting quilt, my goodness we are having a good run on the baby theme... toot toot toot Gail, perfectly pieced and...

here's the back so we can see the fabulous quilting Gail stitched...
It's like a double sided play mat style quilt. I love it!

It's half term for the schools so we had a few spare tables...
spying the opportunity, Rose was able to sandwich two projects
This lovely cottage-y coloured one and ...

Would you believe it... another baby is coming and it too will need a quilt ...
Rose has to make this one a bit Lick-etty-split and no doubt she'll be quilting up a storm over the weekend.
We have had an awful lot of fabric delivered... two extra trolleys full of Christmas theme prints and some amazing fabric from Basic Grey and Moda.
I might have to think of a cunning plan to make shelf space... hmmmm let me think about that for a while... before I make any rash decisions!

Sunday 23 October 2016

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Stitching News.. in Brief

Wow... PM Pam's fabulous quilt top!
Borders with mitred corners...
All made in beautiful Batik fabrics
Orange chair bomb!

New Sue's Autumnal table runner
Beautiful rich Batik fabrics
Quilting finished, threads to tie, crusts to trim then binding

"Not bad for a quickie..."
That's what PM Pam said as she declared the lovely quilt top finished
It's now ready to be sandwiched.

Gail's Christmas stocking...
Blanket stitch, don't you love it!
Looks pretty promising, this will be finished in good time.

New Sue's tricky project
She loves a challenge!
Princess Jackie spent her day quilting...
The most colourful Cockerels in the world!!

Sunday 16 October 2016

Stitching News

A special request from a granddaughter. You must have noticed by now that Merrily is always up for a challenge. The inspiration came from a wallpaper design and the perfect fabric came from my very own shop! Toot toot toot Merrily, a fabulous and finished Flamingo cushion. 

Woop woop... Sporty Sue finished her fabulous quilt top... a black border strip was added to the top and the bottom after this picture was taken... I love this design... super easy and fun to boot. Sue's going to make a backing strip next, with the few left over fabrics.

My Mum Gwynneth finished her gifting project. The pattern was purchased from Monkey Buttons. She did a great job and, once the pattern was sorted out, had fun making this one...  lets give a toot toot toot fanfare for the fabulous and finished cushion.

Jeannette Dilly started one of her Christmas Stockings... she says she needs 5 made before Sewing Prevention season... Knowing Jeannette, as we do... none of us are concerned at all about any time issues, what do you think... one a week? ha ha ha

New Sue must be feeling seasonal... this lovely table runner is perfect in rich Batik fabric using amazing Autumnal colours... I'm not sure it's long enough yet... Sue has played jiggery-Pokery with the pattern to get to the exact size she requires.

Rose is on a project roll.... I barely remember her starting this project and here it is, a finished quilt top all ready to be sandwiched... The pretty pastels are mostly Tilda fabrics, ooooooh Tilda! he he he
That's all I found in my pretty purple camera this weekend. We have had another session of our Block Of The Month project but I forgot to take piccies for you... you will have to stay in suspense!
Next weekend we have a Sandwich Saturday so, if you need to use my tables, just ring up and book your slot.

Friday 14 October 2016

Stitching News

Annbacan is making a floor play mat to match the cute cube I posted about... she's mostly having fun making it but that awful, lofty polyester wadding is being very tricky... I told her it would be!! 

New Sue wanted us to see her Christmas Sampler progress
Such a lovely project, it's been tricky finding the perfect fabrics to get these perfect results though.

Carol's book progress.. A Kid's Quilts pattern... just lovely...
as I write for you, this book is actually finished
 Carol is half way through another book... 

Krafty Karen finished the main part of her Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt top... you can't go wrong with blue and white can you... always a winner.

Brenda Barbara is making a twiddle quilt for Aunt Bessie... not the one who makes those delicious frozen Yorkshire puddings, but a relative who needs to twiddle with buttons. We love making these twiddle quilts!

Our Sheila is working on another amazing commissioned project... There's a lot of research involved and 'oldie-worldie' English language to translate, it's keeping Sheila entertained!

Sister Susie is quilting her baby play mat... it's a lovely combination of fabrics all carefully chosen by the mummy of the grandbaby.

Henry's Christmas stocking will be ready in good time for this very next Christmas...
by hook or by crook.... "Oh Yes it will!!!" ha ha ha

Brenda Duck was determined to get her huge Jelly Roll Race quilt quilted... the centre was finished and the border design was chosen... licketty-split!

Farmer Lynda decided to start making a kiddy play mat type of quilt using one of our very popular packs of pre-cut 6" squares...

Enid is determined to perfect her Patchwork piecing. She continues making these blocks and each one is a tiny bit easier than the last... that's progress.

Margaret's current project started with that question...
"What can I make with this fabric"
We pondered and this is the progress so far... fabulous!
We are very busy here in the Whiston house... at least I am!
Clocking up miles and keeping all those plates spinning... tricky but necessary.
71 days until this years' gifting day, with turkey and trimmings...
but only about 60 days until sewing prevention season ties us in knots!!!! aaaaaaghhhh

Thursday 13 October 2016

Staffordshire Patchworkers and Quilters...

There is news!!!
A speaker has been booked so the meeting for November is back to normal.
Click this link for the details 
and... no racing to get my front seat!!!
See you there. x

Sunday 9 October 2016

Fabulous And Finished

Rose finished her fabulous Wedding Ring quilt... It's a pattern in the book Adding Layers By Kathy Doughty . The pattern makes a ginormous quilt so I had to do Mathemisms to quarter the size of the 4 blocks... yes, this quilt has only 4 blocks... Jean Bean helped Rose choose the fabulous fabrics, including daring Rose to use the beautiful Batik background... we did well eh...Toot toot toot Rose

Here's the back..., we do love to see the back of quilts don't we?
See the fabulous quilting Rose stitched, including her favourite Free-Wheeling!
It's a great quilt... go on... toot toot toot all over again!

Two pictures now... Annbacan made a quilted cube. It's super soft and feels very comfortable and every side is a different little quilt... Winnie the Pooh, fish, alphabet and more fish... ever so lovely... toot toot toot Ann, a fabulous finish

Jeannette also finished her grandbaby's quilted-playmat This was a fun one to do, Jeannette enjoyed all the fussy cutting... it kept her good all day!!
Toot toot toot Dilly, another fabulous finish

Princess Jackie had an easy thing to make... A simple cushion with lovely fairy fabric... no prize winning applique required! It is still a fabulous and finished project though so... a toot toot toot fanfare is in order

 Farmer Lynda finished her fabulous farmer inspired cushion... who would have thought that someone else's left over curtain fabric scraps could make something so lovely... we all know now though, toot toot toot Lynda... I love it.