Thursday, 6 October 2016

Staffordshire Patchworkers and Quilters

Hello, hello, hello....
I just want to remind you that it's Thursday, 6th October and  there's an SPQ meeting, with a speaker, at Walton Community Centre in Stone.
I searched the wonderful Internet and found this page Alison Bramley  
I am extra excited about the meeting.
The talk is titled ” Frazzled & Dazzled”... doesn't that sound fun!
Hope I see you there..... hopefully, if I am early enough, I will be in a front seat!!!

*** UPDATE... I was able to sit in the very front row, in the very middle too... I was superbly early...!
It was a great evening, our speaker was ever so good. I will remind you about our meeting again in time for the next one. I'll race you to the front chairs!!!

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