Monday, 31 October 2016

Staffordshire Patchworkers And Quilters

As promised, here's the information about November's SPQ meeting.

Crazy Mary from Tamworth is coming to talk about her work. 
She is a qualified teacher of textile arts and crafts 
The meeting is on November 3rd at Walton Community Centre in Stone. 
Doors open at 6:45 with the meeting starting at 7.15pm-ish

I hope to see you there...
You won't be missing me, I hope, I volunteered for everything!!!

I will be supplying the milk and stuff for your cuppa and probably serving drinks too...
I was the only one who volunteered for this easy task.
I eventually did recruit a helper in Jenny though.

I will be Chairing the meeting.
Again, I was the only one who volunteered.
Our Chair needs a 'wingman' as she has to (yes has to) go on holiday! ha ha ha... I do hope someone else will volunteer for this job for future meetings.

I will be taking the details of all the wonderful people who offered to do a shift or two as a Quilt Angel next April... though I am not quite sure that I did volunteer for that job! 
Now, thank goodness, Margaret says she will help me with that job... phew!

I am sure others would love to volunteer to help... they just must have forgotten to mention it.

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