Thursday 30 July 2020

Shop Update

I will/should be in my shop from 10am until 2pm most days going forward.
I've decided to try virtual queuing alongside the appointment system.
That just requires you to call me before heading over to my shop to check on availability so I don't have people waiting outside for over an hour to come inside to choose your treasure.

I'm ready with my face coverings, are you?
This link will take you to an excellent pattern with instructions...
.This link will take you to a YouTube tutorial.

Obviously you can make appointments to shop for treasure outside of those hours, if I can be there for you, I will. 
You will still be greeted with a bowl of hot water and soap and you WILL need to wash your hands thoroughly before entering my wonderful and extreeeemly well stocked shop, wearing your mask of course.
Hope to see you all soon.

Saturday 25 July 2020

Fabulous And Finished

I'll be in my shop, tidying and pottering, most days now, just between 10am and 2pm. Unless you make an appointment out of those hours, which is allowed.
It's still very much easier if you book a shopping slot as it helps me to keep us all safe!
I've been doing order and collect from a table at the door too, quite strange!
Anyway, we are all in this together so we just have to do, what we have to do... 
Because It is, what It is!! (A regular Beano Quote.)
A while ago All Day Di purchased a Moda Charm pack in the William Morris designs and made a lovely quilt with it for gifting to a very special friend. The trouble was, Di didn't find it easy to part with the quilt! I know that feeling... so, the only way around the predicament was to make a very similar, and just as lovely, quilt all for her very own self to keep... This fabulous & Finished Fanfare is for that very quilt, The Keeper! Well done Di, toot toot toot

The Elizabeth Hartman Unicorn Quilt pattern is still making people very happy... we thought the Unicorns were a phase, like many others, but it looks like they are going to be popular for the long haul.
Yet another fabulous and finished quilt, toot toot toot.

Christabelle made this cushion. I think she made it for gifting but she sent me the picture so long ago that I have forgotten all the details, shocking! (feel free to message me Chris?) Anyway, toot toot toot , it's a fabulous, free-motion quilted and finish project.

Our Carol has been busy playing... she really enjoys playing with fabric, no shock there though as we all do. Carol has made fabric books before so she had a good idea of the end result...

The Makower Alphabet panel was perfect for making the pages... Yes!!! I have more in stock if you fancy making a fabric book like Carol's. Toot toot toot , it might not be a quilt but it's still a fabulous finish.

Farmer Lynda made this cushion. Once again it is an Elizabeth Hartman pattern. Lola. Very detailed instructions that can look a bit daunting, ask Lynda!!! A great success and a second cushion is already on the production line. Toot toot toot Lynda, another fabulous finish!

Rose absolutely loves Tweed fabric. She collects it while away on her travels (when she used to travel of course!!) It gets saved, I mean squirrel's it away, for special projects. Here is one special project. A beautifully made Lap Top wallet. I hope you have noticed the pattern is perfectly lined up. Toot toot toot Rose, a fabulous finish.

Poppy's Nan is the owner of this bright and beautiful quilt. She's been working on it for a good long time and was able to finish it during Lock-Down. Made with carefully selected solid fabrics from my very own shop, most are Moda Bella Solids or Pure Solids by Art Gallery Toot toot toot Janice, a stunning and fabulous.... and finished! project.

Monday 20 July 2020

Good Morning!

Good Morning to you all.
Obviously it might not be the morning when you get round to reading this, but it's a sunny morning for me right now. This is a long over due blogpost but I have been busying with other things for a very long time.
Since the lockdown happened, some customers have continued to sew and have sent pictorial evidence to me via Whatsapp, I love Whatsapp, it's helped us all keep in touch.
Here are a few of the pictures to give you a little inspiration.

Nuttie has done loads of sewing and in between other projects, like dressmaking, she has continued working on her Crumbs and Mile-A-Minute blocks. All individually quilted and joined together apartment-ly

Jean Hill made a baby quilt.
I suspect it is finished now, it looks like there was just binding to be added.
Baby already arrived safe and well too.

Pam has really enjoyed making more gifting quilts for the hospital.
She's made many now and has quite a big pile.
Pam does love to make smaller projects.

Louise Merlot sent this picture.
The quilt top has been made with two of my Batik Six Packs
 48 carefully cut 6" squares, all ready to be stitched.

This is another of Pam's hospital quilt tops.
The design is one Pam has used many times, like a favourite!

Princess Jackie!! Wowser... She sent picture this to show that she had to make a quilt sandwich on her floor... Not too tricksy, until you try to get back up!!! Absolutely beautiful work, as always with Jackie.

Rose has started a new project and this is one of the blocks.
Isn't it clever how the placement of the fabrics makes it look woven... 

I have a tricky diary day today and all the available appointment slots are taken, but tomorrow... that's Tuesday 21st July, I will be in my shop from 10am until 2pm if you need anything to keep you sewing. Please call ahead if you plan to pop over for shopping, 07807530441... I'll have preparing to do, I need to keep you safe in my shop.

Monday 13 July 2020

It's All Over!

Just a quick update, 
What a palava it is, moving home!!
You THINK you have everything in hand for a smooooooth transition! 
Oh yes!!!! Really??? Pfffft!
It's done now. I've moved home. 
I still have lots of stuff to find a place for / or to decide whether I really need to keep it.

At least I am back online. Computer wires have been located! 
Phone charger found too... Who put it in a bread crock with the kettle?
Quilty Quarters is looking rather bumble-sale-esque, ha ha ha.

I'm still taking bookings for shop visiting appointments.
Short notice is fine... If I am in the shop and no-one else is choosing or shopping, you can call me to book a quick 'pop in' appointment.

See you soon. x

Friday 3 July 2020

Closing Down!

I bet that made you look!!! 
I have to close my shop down, for a few days... not for ever, ha!
I'm moving to my new Quilty Quarters...
My shop will be closed on 
Saturday 4th July, Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th July

Appointments will be available from Thursday 9th July when there will be table top opportunities. Items including Kids Quilts patterns, Superior threads, quilt hangers, printed quilting panels and a few Bolt Ends, all solely for stockroom clearance purposes.
For example, Sew Me Something wearable sewing patterns at only £10 each. 

Please remember though...
To enter my Lovely Shop, you must have a pre-booked appointment.
Appointments can be booked at relatively short notice.

If you require anything that does not need "Choosing Time" you can Order and Collect so you won't need a shop entering appointment. 
Call 07807530441 or email your list to 

You can pay by cash or by using your debit card.