Wednesday 30 July 2014

Stitching News

Lets start with a toot toot toot fanfare for Gail's fabulous finish.
To think that all those little Half Square Triangles (HST's) could have been thrown into the bin! Basically, this design is Railfence, the very same design we use for our beginner project, what an amazing quilt Gail...
I love pieced backings! Lots of ladies attending my classes love them too. Look at the fabulous back  Gail made... a lovely accompaniment for the front... and you can see the lovely quilting better this way too.
New Sue fiddled and diddled all day to make these wonderful borders... It all paid off because at the end of her quilting day, there was a finished quilt top and a booking's been made to perform her sandwich making ceremony... because we have a Sandwich Saturday coming up this weekend
Just a quick note worthy of my mentioning.... 
What a beautiful and inspiring background in these picture! ha

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Stitching News

Lets start with a fabulous and finished fanfare... 
Toot toot-etty toot  for Christabelle's beautiful, quilted Hexagon cushion. Fresh and gentle colours... can colours be gentle? So... I am thinking that this picture makes them look a little bit pale...
This is more like it, much more luxurious lemon with hints of cappuccino... Now I'm making it sound like a blooming paint chart... An extra mini toot toot is needed for the little mat Christabelle made to use up her spare Hexies and YES those are Jean Bean's Daisiez... more on those coming up
Just Edna arrived with all of her 14" Log Cabin blocks made. She had her trusty IPad with a picture of her chosen setting so, Lick-etty-Split, her giant quilt top is almost done. Edna is going to use Piano Key borders so... she's back to stitching strips together for a while.
Here you go... Jean Bean's Stargazy Daisiez progress...All the centre blocks are done so rows of daisiez were sewn together. Delicious fabric choices with lovely flower centres... now Jean can make a million more little daisiez for her borders
Christabelle is making another gifting project... These blocks are tiny so it's lucky she only needs to make nine of them... Small blocks can be even more tricky to get accurate, they are very seam-y, don't you think?
I updated the workshop list for the months ahead.
You will find the information by clicking the tab at the top of my blog.
This is PM Pams Diamond Christmas Tree, beaded and finished.
The workshop has been booked for Saturday November 1st
Toot toot toot Pam, it's fabulous, and finished!
Toot toot toot PM Pam!!
Pam's very first ever, very own Prairie Points on her very own, and extremely lovely, cushion. Fabulous... Don't you love those Dutch Heritage fabrics
Are you keeping up?
Toot toot tooting for PM Pam's fabulous and finished 3D folded star cushion. Started at the workshop only on Saturday... we don't call Pam our Cushion Queen for nothing, he he

Monday 28 July 2014

Lewis & Irene Fabric Clearance Sale

All stock must go, £6.00 per metre, not much left now...
A012-3 Sold Out
A019-1  sold out
A016-1 sold out

When it's gone, it's gone!.. and it is going...

Stitching News

Joan The Shop's Snowman Collector quilt top, progress so far. It's a large quilt and took 4 of us to hold it out. I think there's just one more border to go, what a beauty... You can tell Joan loves colour can't you!
Aunty June decided to go 'back to basics' by making a Railfence project...
She's planning to get ahead by making a collection of little quilts to stock up as baby production is up with June's family and friends. June took delivery of her brand new Juki HZL 210 this week, she's happy, happy!

Di Butterfly want's to make a play mat for when her grand-baby comes to visit. She chopped up an alphabet panel to start with... after a few setting ideas, she decided to join them into 4-Patches and then to sash them...
We're making it up as she goes, PMS... Pleasing My Self.

This is one of Merrily's memory blocks, a Staffordshire Knot.
Each piece had been stuck carefully in place with Heat and Bond then Merrily hand appliquéd every one with blanket stitch... perfectly stitched,
I though she had done it by machine!

Our quilting rebel, Josie, continued to make more Tumbling Block units and, by George, she got it... there are quite a few perfect 'Y' seams in there and some almost perfect quarter inch seams too... The blocks look great don't they? They will be appliquéd to a background fabric.

Sunday 27 July 2014

3D Folded Star Cushion Workshop

Such a lovely day, a great workshop!

Festival Of Quilts

Coach Trips to
Festival of Quilts
NEC Birmingham
Largest Quilt Show in Europe
Saturday 9th August £15.00
Sunday 10th August £15.00

Also available from  Angie's Shop

Show entrance tickets £10.00 each

Contact Angie on 07807 530441

Friday 25 July 2014

Stitching News

Gail finished her quilting with a little, fancy swirl or two on the borders.
 She trimmed her 'crusts' off (it is a sandwich after all) and got the binding stitched on... just a little hand stitching to do now. I'm guessing that we should be polishing our trumpets for a little tooting next week
Princess Jackie also finished quilting during her class day.
 She had decided to stitch round the beautiful silk appliqué detail. Once done, she trimmed off crusts and added her binding. Another tooting time coming up.
Giggly Gillian says she is on a roll... a cushion roll to be more precise!
She's making me have cushion envy too.
This particular one has been made from Gillian's stash of left over fabrics and is quilted with circles... can you see them? Fabulous.
Shirley Lerly started a new project... the one you see there, from Joan The Shop's book, Flower Show Quilts. Joan's Poppy quilt is hanging on my classroom wall and has inspired many to try appliqué.
This is Princess Jackie's...
you may well be thinking it is a quilt top...
but it is Jackie's Pineapple Blossom quilt backing.
We love pieced backings and this one is... fabulous

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Stitching News

Barbie started this quilt quite a while ago but it had had to be set aside for other projects with tighter deadlines. In setting it aside, it had been forgotten. When the young lady asked her Nan, 'Where's my pink quilt' Barbie remembered it needed finishing... so finish it she will.
Lady Judith added the final borders of her lovely Little Black Dress 2 quilt top, it's a huge one measuring 102" by 87". The back will be made by adding a Charm Pack strip between two long pieces of fabric, to add a little interest... a sandwich Saturday booking has been made!

PM Pam likes to try new things, when a new magazine arrives with new ideas... she gets excited. This cushion caught Pam's attention as she's never tried Prairie Points before... as you can see, she mastered them splendidly. My delightful Dutch Heritage fabrics look fabulous, don't you think? 
Not from a new magazine but from an older one... this fabulous Christmas Tree is made with the same strip method as the Love Star some ladies made recently. It's a super quick project to make. Pam just needs to quilt it. I suspect there will be more of these trees made.
Last today, but not least, we can toot toot toot for another Fabulous and Finished cushion made by Christabelle for another extreeeeemly lucky friend. See the Hexagons have been fussy cut to make the lovely lace-y pattern...
That's all the photos I took, not that I didn't have time, I have no excuses... what a lovely day we had in my very own quilt shop, beautiful projects, lovely ladies, interesting conversation, a few deliveries (yes, more fabric)... I just forgot!
An evening visit to the hospital means the stitches are now out of my poorly flipper wound... so, onward and upward... lets start getting back to normal... whatever that is?

Friday 18 July 2014

Stitching News

Michelle My Belle finished perfectly piecing and sandwiched her 28 inch cushion front. She made a good start on the quilting too. This cushion, when finished, will be used on a large rocking chair.
Peggy's also making cushions, these tops are quilted, trimmed and ready to be finished. During class she made two backs with zips beautifully installed.
Almost all ladies put zips in their cushion backs these days... since I found a superbly easy and fool-proof way of doing them.
Sheila continued with her Quilt-As-You-Go blocks.
She was surprised to have only completed three blocks in a whole day... well, there's no rush to finish this quilt... we did point out how much chatting Sheila had done and she blamed us for distracting her!
Brenda Barbara had finished her bed runner quilt top, great tutorial here, so she worked on the backing. At the very same time she's making another quilt with her left over fabrics... there was a seam ripper involved in that task, Brenda is one of our highly skilled seam rippers!
Milly, who usually pieces by hand, is making this block by machine as a prototype for a larger project. She want's to piece perfectly so was learning top tips along the way, including un-sewing! She says it's much easier to be accurate with hand stitching... that's debate-a-bubble eh!
Milly almost made a quilt top in a day, perfectly purple.
She has a super-duper sewing machine, a Janome, but the quarter inch foot makes the seams too wide so we experimented a little. She can move her needle over to the right so, licketty-split, the problem hic-cup was sorted.
Josie, our patchwork rebel, arrived for her class announcing that she wanted to make Tumbling Blocks. I didn't have a pattern so, I had to figure it out on paper... it's just strips and 60 degree angles and 'Y' seams...
(I'm sure knew that already, duh)
 They look great eh!
Christabelle popped in to show us her latest fabulous and finished gifting cushion. Toot toot toot... It's a beautiful Batik fabric with hearts skilfully appliquéd in place with fabulous free motion quilting following the Batik design... as simple as that!

Thursday 17 July 2014

Quilty Quarters

Blocks are 7.5" Crown Of Thorns, 1.5" inch finished units.
2 Charm Moda packs, so far...
Got these blocks out again and FINALLY decided on the setting.
They will be stitched together soon
 I'll probably, eventually, use this to back something
With a poorly flipper it's not safe to drive. Can't do chores either.
I can't just do nothing...
Quilty Quarters time!