Friday 23 September 2022

Stitching News

There are some pretty fabulous projects in the making in my classroom. Folk seem to be really inspired to sew now that the days are getting more wintery and much shorter, many are on a mission to finish off projects they have been 'storing', that's what we will call it! I think most of us suffer with lack of sew time, we want to make, make, make but life, annoyingly, does take, take, take!

Bev's cushion fronts have all their borders done and they're ready to be sandwiched. She declared that she had learned so much making the blocks and now absolutely understands the why do's and the why/best not dos. Why be really careful and accurate when cutting? Why Pin? Why not cut of bits that don't line up? and that's just a few of the whys'!

All Day Di has her spectacular, and quite enormous, quilt top finished and has now started on the blocks for the back. There were a few mis-cuts but, on the whole, She's nailed her triangle phobia. There will be a panel of these blocks across the middle of the backing.

This is Sister Susie's, isn't it fabulous!! She blanket stitched the bat with a metallic thread which looks really good, don't you think? All of the calendar quilts from Count On It book are just lovely. 

 Fiona Too used this Owl design from a free online source. I had it printed off, in a file from ages ago, which was just the ticket as Fiona had arrived with the book she wanted to use for her applique but the pattern page was left on her kitchen table, which was not ideal. it ended well though eh!

Our Bunting Cushion workshop day was great fun. I'm not absolutely sure whether the ladies enjoyed the first bit though, lots of accurate pressing, not ironing, of tiny bits! Both managed to do the little Prairie Point 'bunts' without burning their fingers. 
Below pics are the results of the day. Not quite finished but they went home with the backs prepared with covered zips, so they can easily be finished.

There's another Bunting cushion workshop on Saturday 1st October if you fancy making one for your very own self.

Sunday 25th September, this weekend, is a Sunday Fun Day Sewday at Checkley Village Hall, there have been a couple of cancellations due to illness, possibly "Freshers Flu" !!  Which means there's a last chance to book and pay for your spot on that, if you haven't already

Please make a little note that my shop will be closed from Monday 10th October for the whole week.
Shopping appointments can be made during that week but only if you arrange it in advance. PLEASE, please don't turn up without booking an appointment during that week. You will be disappointed.

Tuesday 20 September 2022

Stitching News

Was that a strange week for you? Blimey it was strange for me. Not just with the major news about our Queen, but just in general.
My shop has been quiet, yet I haven't stopped! It's a big birthday month in my family so September is a bit full on. I'm having major groundworks done at home FINALLY!! It will all get back to normal soon, fingers crossed!
So just quickly, a couple of photos

Judy finished her Union Jack cushion. She chose the foundation paper pieced method, which is more accurate on the angles and lining up of the diagonals, but like my very good self, Judy's now going down a rabbit hole of 'what ifs'
This one though is fabulous and finished. toot toot toot Judy.

This is the back of Just Edna's Quilt-As-You-Go, double sided commissioned quilt. Each block has been quilted as she went then joined together Appartmently.

And this is the front, completely different!
Toot toot toot Edna, it's absolutely fabulous and finished! 

Next Sunday the 25th of September, is a Checkley Sunday Fun Day Sewday.
Please book your place as soon as possible so I know how many to cater for lunch.

Sunday 11 September 2022

Stitching News


Cheryl bought this book at the last Saturday Sewing session. She's been giving it a lot of thumbing through and arrived with great excitement to learn Foundation Paper Piecing. As you can see, she is now an expert! Choosing colours that are not too bright, to fit the brief, was the hardest part.

Debs had been busy at home cutting and labelling all her little bits of fabric, There is a lot of cutting little bits to be done, as with most of the Tilda projects, so she was able to get straight to the stitching

A very successful day of stitching, almost a whole street of beautiful houses.

Farmer Lynda stitched both of these borders on, chose the backing, which is extemmmmmly cute, and made a sandwich , smaller projects do have their advantages!!

And we need those trumpets up now...
Toot toot toot Farmer Lynda for this fabulous and finally finished, gifting quilt.

The Bunting Cushion workshop is next Saturday, 17th September. There are still places availabubble for that.

Sunday25th September is a Sunday Fun Day Sewday at Checkley Village Hall, so it's time to book and pay for your spot on that, if you haven't already

Please make a little note that my shop will be closed from Monday 10th October for the whole week.
Shopping appointments can be made during that week if arranged in advance. PLEASE, please don't turn up without booking an appointment. You will be disappointed.

Thursday 8 September 2022

Stitching News

What a busy time we are all having. Gardens blooming beautifully and the veggies producing well, that work keeping you all away from your stitching, then it was too hot! Then you have your plants and lawns parched and dry, and now you have flooded gardens!! You don't have all this trouble with sewing you know!! maybe stay by your sewing machine in future? It's far more predictable.

Farmer Lynda finished her gifting Reading Pillow. 
A lovely, comfortable pillow with a special pocked for a favourite book. Applique a cute character and make a project very personal, then find a Mrs. Tiggy Winkle to boot!!!

A hidden zip in the back of lovely Mrs. Tiggy Winkle fabric to fabulously finish it off for a toot toot toot fanfare!

Princess Jackie had us all drooling over her latest sandwich
What an explosion of colour Boom!

We had a great workshop day making up the Festive Baubles. It's surprising how many top tips folk can pick up while following instructions, mostly following instructions I mean. Of course they learn lots of top tips about getting back on track when they don't follow instructions too, what a giggle it causes!! Here are three of the Bauble projects in progress.

New Sue had to book a sandwich making session because all of the tables were needed. It's funny how we don't always realise how big some quilts are until we have to pin them ready to be quilted, Sue's is a whopper!