Sunday 20 March 2022

Stitching News

Lady Lidl's Ohio Star blocks have taken a bit of extra time because they are the planners... Planning fabrics and colourways is a very important stage, if you want it to be of course! This is going to be a large quilt and Di wants to make Ohio Stars in only a couple of colourways, so her choices are very important.

Three planning blocks done, there's one (maybe two)  more planners to make and if Di decides she's happy with the result, she will be/could be Triangle-ing for the next 12 months!!! But don't they look great?

Janis is making extremely accurate Court House blocks. Some folk cut fabrics for each block as they go, some cut up all the bits first then piece, none stop. Some folk cut loads, but not enough, then piece until they run out and cut some more... which is what Jan is up to... I like that, it's my style too.

With Elizabeth Hartman patterns it's a very good idea to cut all your fabrics at the very same time. It takes ages really but very well worth following the instructions...
Shirley is doing exactly as her pattern suggests....
Do you remember all those little black and white bits? 
Then, last week I showed you more units with the orange bits?
No-one guessed what they would be, this is a bigger clue week!!!
Any ideas?
Bev has piles!!!
It's a severe case of piles too!

It's a good job she has a 60 degree Triangle ruler to help her.
The slightly higher cutting bench in my very own classroom has helped too.
It's easier on your back not to be bending over all day long.
Not a stitch was sewn, Bev decided to cut up every Fat Quarter first...
She really wasn't procrastinating!

Lorna wanted a quick gifting quilt. A baby came a bit too early! Premature babies, I am informed, don't need all the patchwork seams for their delicate tiny bodies. Two pieces of perfectly sized fabric with cotton wadding and light quilting finished with the wonderful Faux Piped Binding

Tiny, fast, fabulous and finished, toot toot toot Lorna.

Next Sunday, 27th March is a Sunday Funday Sewday at Checkley.
As it turned out to be Mother's Day (in the UK) we will be a smaller gathering this time.
There are places available... if you can get out of cooking and sorting and entertaining your family!!! ha ha ha

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