Monday 21 August 2023

Catching up.

I've been busy this week. Lots of cleaning and sorting in my shop. You might well be shocked to see how much dust collects behind all those bolts of fabric. It's a big job emptying stuff from the shelves, I'll have arms like Popeye soon!! It takes ages too, but that's because I cant help but plan quilts with all the lovely colours and patterns.
This is the last week for 10% off a fabric piece for finishing a bolt. Most of my shelves are very organised now, thank you all for helping with that.

Farmer Lynda came to make her pirate sandwich. The original pattern was purchased at a quilt show, it's a Lynette Anderson design but Lynda has changed quite a few details making it much more to her liking. She said that this is her favourite quilt so far. Lynda has said that before but then we do that, us quilters, don't we. The design for quilting it has been decided.

There's a lot going on at home, Builders and trades!! They are doing a great job but it's very disruptive and they arrive VERY early! Big important decisions had to be made. It's easy choosing fabric, if you change your mind you can just unstitch a bit and replace a colour. That's not the case when cement is used and I'm hopeless at choosing and deciding. That's why I like Ikea, you can walk around and get an idea of stuff in place before you purchase but the bricks and mortar is a whole other thing.  Progress has been made though.

The November Sewing Retreat plans are complete. 
We will be retreating from lunchtime, Monday 27th November to Thursday 30th.
It's our first time at this new venue and the price is All inclusive, not including your bar bill! If you would like more details about it please email me. We do have a few spaces available. 

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