Monday 23 October 2023

Stitching News

Lots of projects being worked on in my very own classroom.  Many sandwiches have been made too. It's a sign the weather is changing when the gardeners get back to their indoors hobbies. Not that Quilt making is a 'hobby' of mine, it's way more than that. Last Saturday, a lady asked me what I do with all of my quilts, I just said, "I love them!"

Rose was excited to show us her Log Cabin quilt top. Made with 2 1/2" strips so the blocks are 12" finished, they made an enormous top. We are funny, we know how large blocks are, we know the finished measurement too, the pattern says it all. But we still remain surprised when we actually see how large the project is.

Farmer Lynda sent this photo of her finished Pirate gifting quilt. She's added many personalised details. She is gifting it to her guest bedroom, for when little Isaac stays over. What a great idea, make a quilt and gift it, but keep it!! Isn't it fabulous and well deserving of a toot toot toot fanfare

Shirley works in a very methodical way. Sometimes we catch ourselves fascinated, just watching her work. These strips are laid out mathematically to be sewn together in 3's, randomly. We (I) don't all have that much patience but if it works for you, go for it.

Tadaaaaah Bev finished her backing, hooooray.  The window tables in my classroom were not being used so she was able to make an Autumn sandwich. Don't you love how the Cathedral-ly window-y bits make those circles?

Judy has returned to making her Christmas tree project. That clock is ticking and the darker nights don't half roll in fast to remind us to crack on. Judy says Kirsty's Christmas has nothing on Judy's Christmas!

Jan is using the same book that Rose used for the Log Cabin blocks. There are a lot of different ways to set out the blocks and each layout is so lovely. Jan chose the Barn Raising lay out. You can see there are a few more rows to be added to the bottom, then we can say, gosh it's huge!!! ha ha ha

Next weekend we have our last Checkley Funday Sewday of this year.
That's Sunday 29th October. 9.30am to 3.30pm.
It's £20.00 when you pay in advance and £25.00 to pay on the day.
Refreshments are included and I provide a lovely, healthy lunch too.
You will need to book before Wednesday this week so I can cater for the right number.

And, while I am here, We still have spaces on the November retreat, should you be interested.

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