Monday, 29 January 2024

Stitching News

Obviously I wasn't telling the truth when I declared that things would slow down this week! Life is so very unpredict-a-bubble, isn't it. I've another busy week ahead too, mostly fun stuff!

We had a great day yesterday at Checkley Village Hall, Sunday Funday Sewday. (Next one is 25th February) Everyone was so happy to be getting back to normal. My lovely Light Lunch offering has been missed too! People love a Jacket Spud! and, to top it all off, we had a glorious, sunny weather day, I think we're all very tired of getting soaked lugging our toys in and out of the hall AND it was still light when we all went home, hooray hoorah!!

These are some of the photos I took last week in my classroom

Starting with a Fabulous and finished quilt made by Jean Bean. She's recently discovered Facing the quilt in place of adding a traditional binding. It worked perfectly for this design. Look at all the quilting too, It's Beano's very own design that evolved as it was in progress. Toot toot Jean Bean.

Rose had fabrics left over from her enormous Log Cabin quilt (pictured in my previous post) She decided to make two co-ordinating cushions. The binding just needs to be hand stitched to get them finished. I've been reliable informed there's still enough fabric to make a matching lap size quilt too.

PM Pam likes to keep a few 'just in case' baby quilts.  She's often receiving requests for them from family and close friends. Pam had a bit of a surprise when she last went in search of a baby quilt, she found they had all gone! She's on a mission now to get a few made, in between all of her other projects. This lady is a little factory!

This very smart fellow was made during Pam's class on Tuesday. 
Is't he fabulous! As you can see from the little peek at the pattern, there will be many more bunnies made. Pam's going to prepare all the cutting and kitting so that she can sew them during our next retreat.

Christabelle had a dilemma. The quilt top wasn't quite wide enough. We had a little con-flab about various options. It would be tricky to choose a perfect border, especially as the top was already long enough. Fortunately, Chris was able to find enough of the same fabrics to be able to carry on with the 3D design... 

Christabelle continued chopping up the fabrics when she got home and was very relieved to find that there were exactly enough diamonds to complete the desired width for the quilt, now that was lucky! No borders will be needed.

Gail had a very calm day with her applique. Her favourite thing to do. The rhythm of the Juki as it stitches is so very relaxing. Each thread colour is matched up to the fabric piece. It's going to be a very cute gifting quilt.

I have a few more photos but I will keep you in suspense until I blog again. Maybe tomorrow!!

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