Thursday 22 September 2011

Maggie's Quilt

Maggie has been working on this quilt for over two years.
Each sampler block was made while Maggie was attending patchwork classes, I forget where they were, I think she said Newcastle College but I'm not sure, it doesn't matter, anyway... She's thrilled to see the end in sight... after a little instruction, she carefully trimmed the excess backing and wadding then made the binding. Maggie  has done a LOT of dress making over the years and she's quite surprised, happily surprised I might add, at how many new things she's actually learned of late...
Maggie spend a good deal of time piecing the backing for her quilt, and it shows doesn't it... Love it!
It's a shame you can't see more detail... I've been informed that you can no longer click on my pictures to see them in more detail, sorry about that ... I can assure you it was Blogger making the changes not me, myself... Maggie still has loads of ends to tie off and thread through, she says it's a good job to do while she watches 'The Box'.

1 comment:

Maggi said...

Lovely to see this finish. Don't know whether you have changed the format or whether Blogger has but the enlarged images are back again.