This is Josie's sandwich. She's had the top ready for a while but she's taken the time to make a fabulous backing with her left over hexagons... You will see it at the tootable reveal... Josie is pondering the quilt design next. |
New Sue's sandwich. This also has a great backing. Sue will machine quilt this one. Knowing her is will be finished by next Tuesday's class. |
So... technically this is not a sandwich... very observant of you, ha! It is a sandwich now though... but the shop was so busy when the last bit of pinning was happening, that Sporty Sue had it all packed up before I could get out the perfectly purple camera. |
On the window tables we had the beginners learning excellent basic skills, including, pressing, rotary cutter safety... "
Close your blade!!!" and unpicking!!! They had a great, fun day and all went home with their very own finished quilted cushions with zipped backs.
1 comment:
Thank you Angie and Carol for a fantastic workshop we had a great time and learned great skills - l am thrilled to bits with my finished quilted cushion project we did yesterday and today (Sunday) l have made another in no time at all - and family have made requests for me to make them some - can't be bad - and that's down to the excellent workshops and friendly environment. I shall be joining you on another workshop soon - so glad we came! Highly recommended. Mandy x
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