Longport Lynda had a few blocks and fabrics left over from making her last project... she had set her mind to keep making blocks without counting them up so that she didn't get fed up of making them. Once the main quilt was finished she was able to make more string Quilt-As-You-Go blocks to produce this... |
Joined together 'apartmently' in a willie-nillie fashion as this quilt is for a much loved pooch, who won't even notice the back!... actually it's to protect a much loved sofa from a much loved pooch, ha! |
I am organising the Quilt Angels at Uttoxeter Quilt Show in April and we will have a demonstration table again. As we don't know how much space we will be allowed until very close to the time, I had the brilliant idea (yes, all by my very own self!) of us making up aprons with our scraps... Walking Art!! lots of ladies are having fun creating their very own Walking Art. |
Kate made a rather unique Bottle Bag. Each bottle has it's very own pod to keep it safe... It also stops the neighbours hearing your wine purchases clanking together!!! This is a fabulous and finished project too, toot toot toot hic! |
Someone left a pile of quite ugly Hour Glass Blocks in my classroom scrappy basket. They were all slightly different sizes and not accurate at all... a little stretched, probably from ironing rather than pressing... which is likely why they had been 'dumped'... My Mum Gwynneth rescued them and I cut them in half then trimmed them to a similar size. Mum is making up another piece of Walking Art... isn't it a brilliant idea! |
There's a Sunday Funday Sewday coming up on Sunday 23rd February...
Here's the menu...
Hot Chocolate with optional rum splash.
Shortbread and Chocolate treats Galore.
For Lunch
Lentil Dhal, Flat Bread,
Curried Chicken with Shredded Salad.
followed by
Valentine’s Day inspired Chocolate Moose Cake.
Tea and coffee all day.
Sounds like a scrummy menu me thinks.
You have to book and pay for your place in advance...
This will be the last Sewday Funday for a short while.
Dates of upcoming Sewday Fundays, if you would like to mark the dates your diary, are
Sunday 7th June and Sunday 12th July...
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