Wednesday 2 February 2022

Stitching News

 This week I'm on a mission to catch up with all the project picture posting for you. Things got a bit hectic for me in the paperwork department for a while. Here goes

Just as I said, Lyn came back to make another patchwork cushion. This one has corner stones in the borders and a slightly different quilting design... Lyn is still impressed with the way we do our covered zip backings. Toot toot toot Lyn, another fabulous and finished cushion.

Pauline came to make her quilt sandwich, her first one I think she said. You might just make out some Chaco-chalk markings on the bottom left corner? We were plotting and planning possible quilting design ideas and that's the one Pauling liked.

Shirley made her quilt sandwich too. She had made the quilt top right at the beginning of the first and strictest lockdown so she's keen to get on to the quilting. The design is from this book by Jo Avery, it has some great patterns in it.

Edna has had a bit of a faff making this quilt top. Lots of things didn't go to plan but we stuck at it... sometimes it is easier to undo everything and start again... that's what happened in the end but now it's just right for a border treatment and the borders will be straight.

Our Carol is thoroughly enjoying making this fabric book. There's a lot of choosing, tracing and cutting and gluing like being at playschool really! She's blanket stitching all the shapes now and is very pleased to have the Juki DX7 hover capability!

Norma has two quilts on the go. Each one needs 42 twelve inch blocks so she's had a bit of a piecing marathon. They are almost done, 10 blocks to go of 84 blocks in total so soon there will be two tops to quilt.

New Sue is steadily plodding on with her blocks. The method and pattern she is using makes two blocks at the same time but that's not always a good idea if you are easily confused. There's been a lot of muttering heard, ha ha ha

This is Rose's latest masterpiece. She is using a pattern but has tweaked a lot of the details to make it more personalised for the guy she's planning to gift it to, like the car and the dogs are his very own. Rose is really enjoying the process... of course, happy memories are involved.

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