Saturday 19 February 2022

The Fancy Fox Quilt

My Lilly and her family have some very special and very precious friends. Precious, special friends need fabulous quilts to wrap themselves in, what with these cold, winter evenings, that's a no brainer.
When your very own mum has been known to make fabulous quilts, you might be tempted to mention how you would love to gift a fabulous quilt to the special friends, should she be able to make one... possibly with a fox theme?
Oh yes!... Mum has the Fancy Fox pattern in her very own shop, so, of course she could make one.

I set about making a test Fox, that red one was the test. The background for the test fox was not meant to be the actual quilt background... I just had some pieces of it left over from another quilt which I've also just finished (I'll blog about that one later) but after making the test fox I thought, that's a wacky background idea.... I love it!! 
So I went to my very own shop and 'purchased' (shop lifted) a couple more metres. It's an Alison Glass Batik and it's just scrumptious to sew with!

The Fancy Fox pattern made 6" x 8" foxes and I had thought
 'Blimey that will take ages and about a million fox blocks, I'll math-e-mise the pattern and make bigger foxes'... so I did. Then I mathemised again to make a middle-sized Fox. I then continued making all three sizes. I kept rearranging, them spreading out the sizes, colours and fabrics.
The lovely friends wear spectacles. 'Could the foxes have spectacles please?' Of course they can! Well, I can't blooming draw for toffee, not even spectacles, so I ended up going online and purchasing another pattern... This one, Fancy Fox 2!!!  Oh For goodness sakes, I could have got that pattern in the first place and saved my brain from all those math-e-misms!!! Hein site can be very annoying!

It was quite tricky to join all the different sizes together and to keep all the fox fabrics spread out... I ended up making three rows of different widths, then I needed more foxy blocks... it's quite a large quilt at this point...

Anyway, it all worked out fine. I decided it didn't need any border treatment, it was already large enough for two people to snuggle under....

A sandwich was soon made. It's been fun to quilt. I started off shadow stitching around all the foxes... then added more, and more stitching, all easy stuff. It is actually finished as I write this but I took it to my shop to show off and forgot to take a toot toot photo. I'll grab a couple of victims today to hold it up for me then show you the finished quilt tomorrow, don't hold me to that though, ha!

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