Monday 9 May 2022

Quilty Quarters

If I get chance to go into my Quilty Quarters, I often start off making samples and testing a few ideas, then end up with no time left to do what I should have been doing when I entered Quilty Quarters in the first place, and lots more scraps!
Does that happen to you?
Recently I decided to make a Union Jack quilt... It was such a good idea a few months ago. It's actually ever so hard to make a Union Jack block with all the correct proportions, with the lines lined up and all angles correct. I researched online and found a few tutorials. I even purchased one PDF pattern. None of them were what I wanted...

These are some of my experiments, each one slightly different. The top one is Foundation Paper Pieced, the most accurate 'proper' flag proportions, but I didn't want to do Foundation Paper Piecing... the others are just fun. Yesterday I found some small bits of wadding, made sandwiches and got them all quilted. There's a round one too but it's in my shop already, I made it into a cushion, you know I love a cushion!! There probably won't be a Union Jack Quilt now, my brain already moved on, ha ha ha

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