Monday 28 August 2023

Stitching News

 We will be needing the fanfare trumpets!

Christabelle's quilt is huuuuge! If people keep making these hugs projects I will be needing a larger photo step! I can't get the whole quilt on my picture but you can see how fabulous it is. Made for gifting with time to spare. It all started with a Beautiful Batik Jelly Roll. Toot toot toot Chris, a fabulous finish

Rose finished her double sided baby gifting quilt. It all started with a picture of a quilt in a book. The pattern was made using this as the centre. When Rose finished the centre, she decided to make the round quilt, PMS at it's best, (Pleasing My Self!) 

There were strip sets left over so they were cut with the 10 degree ruler. Then two solid fabrics were chosen and chopped up with said ruler. Another fabulous and finished project that Rose made up as she went along. Free-Wheeling for the quilting, Rose loves that liberating style. Toot toot toot Rose, a fabulous finish.

The Tuesday Class took themselves off on a wonderful, relaxing sewing Retreat last week. This is one of the projects Jean Bean was working on. Now it is fabulous and finished so deserves a fanfare, a finish is a finish! Toot toot toot

Another of Rose's projects, it's a good sized cushion made with a linen blend base fabric and wool applique. Embellished with stitch and beads. It's a very lovely cushion that just needs the hand stitching to be done on the binding, what a fabulous piece of sofa artwork!

Poor Pam. She came to class with the main centre of this project to work on the borders, that's quite normal, I know. But my shop was a bit quiet so I helped Pam with her cutting, it was like a marathon, she was toing and froing and stitching none stop. She went home (for a nap, ha ha) with the top and back ready to be sandwiched!

Bev's finished making enough blocks to start choosing the placement with the panel pictures. This isn't the order she chose though. First of all the blocks were all made up to the same size, 12 inches. Then we ran out of time, but you can see it's going to look great cant you.

Jan came to make her Swan Sandwich. Such a beautiful design.
There were other sandwiches made too but people pack them up before I get chance to snap my pictures, how rude!

Not many days left for August, it's flown by hasn't it, very slowly!!!
It's time to start planning your next Sunday Sewday project. 
It's the 24th September and the following October booking is for the 29th.

1 comment:

Sue said...

You have some very talented ladies coming to your shop. Beautiful work by everyone