Success?.. Of Course!
It warms my cockles to know that so many of you are rooting for me with my new venture, thank you for the lovely messages.
The presentation went quite well with 17 ladies. A few we have to discount though, like.. my mother-in-law and her friend Dorothy who came along to "put bums on seats", that's how she explained her visit, ha ha bless her. She says she doesn't need to learn quilting because I just give them to her... good point!
I did take my camera with me but never got the opportunity to use it, plus I completely forgot! duh
The photos in this post have been sent to me by Maureen (the first quilty friend I found in the UK).
You might note that she is not a professional photographer, he he he ... she blamed the blurred photos on me!
She says that I was moving about too much and too quickly... that's because I didn't know she was clicking away in the corner!
Except for this shot of my Giant Bunny... carefully posed and feeling very silly... I love the way the Bunny hides me!
This shot is even better, you see, Ursula (in Portugal) is always complaining that I don't put pictures of myself on my blog, and here I am... in several piccies! he he he
In this picture you can just see a late arrival flying into the room... she had been the fabric shop moments earlier when Simone (the owner) told her about my gathering, she ran down the road to join us... how cool is that? Two ladies arrived in the same manner... So, at the end of the presentation 4 ladies said they would join me for classes next Tuesday, 2 said they would definitely come but had holidays booked for the next two weeks, one lady wants to join us for some workshops as she already does patchwork and so doesn't need to do beginners.
Since then I have had some lovely emails and a few very touching telephone calls... from all these lovely things, I think it is safe to say, it was a success, don't you?
I'm so pleased for you
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Hello Angie
You are happy,I also should be happy......why I am not?
I miss you and our quilt cave, so much!
Beijinhos from
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