Saturday 17 October 2009

Alton's 1st Quilt Exhibition

What a fantastic success today was!! lots and lots of "ooooo's" and "aaaaah's"
The Alton ladies, my new best friends for today, were convinced that this show was a "one off".... but after all the great comments made by the people who came, I think there will be another... but hey, I am the new girl, what do I know!

A short tranquilt (oooops, ha ha ha!) moment before the doors opened and time for a quick cuppa..... in the left corner there you can see the sales department, ladies made lovely things to sell. The lady in blue was selling raffle tickets (they sold like hot cakes)...
A shot to the left of the room.....
... and a shot to the right and sort of straight on, there were lovely quilts and quilted cushions behind this shot too...
... we even had our very own quilt angels! posh white gloves and all, Sheila and Claire... loving it!

1 comment:

Helen said...

Lovely demonstration. What is that that I spy behind the altar!!