Those bits that look like white blotches are diamonds!! (maybe even.... real diamonds, he he he) Philippa dyes all her own fabrics so she can get all the shades and colours exactly how she wants them.... oh it's sooooooo lovely. I know it's not every ones 'cup o tea', but you can't help but appreciate the work in it.. and that's before you even look at her quilting and trapunto!
The workshop was Curved Piecing.
I was very quiet and concentrated all day, (yes Mum, ALL DAY!) and managed to produce this block.... I've placed it on top of that busy fabric, it needs a couple more borders yet.... I shall blow my own trumpet now... didn't I do well!!!! I am so impressed with myself, he he he. It was really hard to concentrate and be quiet though.....
Hi Angie
You really can be impressed of yourself. That is really nice, and without talking, only concentrating for houers!!!!!
Good girl
Love birte
You did a fantastic job on that block...I love the floral fabric with really compliments the plains.
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