Caverswall Quilt Cave
Lauren is back from her travels and is back to work on her very bright project, it's an "Invent-as-you-go"... love them! The black sashing is a great addition, this top was almost done by the end of the day.
Barbie wanted to start something new, she brought it lots of fabric combinations so we had lots to choose from. She's going to make a Chunky Churndash quilt... but first... A Pineapple Blossom, that yellow you see is more of a mustard colour really... This is one of my many favourites from Quiltville
Dotty Maureen is working on her Shakespeare In The Park, she changed her mind about one of the fabrics in a star block, which is easy... she just made more stars!.. the fiddly bit now is that she is cutting all the little pieces down to make other, smaller stars for the border... this lady has a lot , A LOT, of patience!
Helen is on track to finish her commission quilts, she was heard many times grumbling about the gold thread... it kept shredding and breaking. I did find a burr on the needle one time, so we changed it. Then we found lumpy irregular bits on the thread, so that didn't help... I don't think Helen will use gold thread EVER again after this.... Ann joined us for the first time, she's already a quilter so no beginner Railfence was needed.... curiously though, she was working with the Railfence design anyway! That's how you make the stripey bits here.... fantastic colours that had me glued to Ann's progress... The design (which is not too obvious here) happens all by it's very own self....very clever.... it's a great design to use when you have a large print that you don't want to cut up... oooooh now, how many of those do I have????
Barbie brought in her Split Hearts quilt, the one she finished last week, to show us this fantastic quirky label... very funny eh, and original too boot. Sylvia is absolutely thrilled with her new quilt!
I wish the Blogger people hadn't changed things... sorry but things are wonky folks.. photos too small, writing horrible colours.... this will have to do for now...
I just refused to even try the changes as here they were not going to stay permanently so I figured I'd just wait until they were done fiddling with the changes and announced that it was a permanent update.
Love the label. And here's your don't need to know bit of trivia for the day. I live just around the corner from where Tommy Cooper was born.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
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