Did you see it? Was it only in Cheadle, Staffordshire? What do we call a large gathering of quilters anyway... other than 'A Quilt Show'? ha ha ha. It certainly felt like a
tornado of quilters in my very own patchwork and quilting shop all morning! and the weather outside was all going sideways too. In the classroom, lots of stitchy chatter, three new students, three recent converts and a few lovely regulars... not a spare chair in sight... unless you count
Henry's private quarters! he he. Can you have too much fun? Needless to say, there was no time at all for quality photo shooting... no excuses... Here's the two I did take
Julie, one of the three new ladies, chose to make a Christmas themed Railfence Table Runner... as did Edna Too... yes there's a second Edna, Just Edna! You know, there are quite a few ladies working on projects using Christmas fabrics... "never too early to start?" The new Christmas fabrics are slowly arriving and that can only inspire! |
Brenda Barbara continued expertly piecing her perfect 'Y' seams. This Hexagon shaped table topping quilt is quite fabulous... rather stunning in fact. I'm sure you will be seeing more of this quilt made in many colour ways... Brenda chose these fabrics from the Art Gallery range, lots of which are availabubble in My very own shop, she to has a plan for a second Hexagonal Table Topper already. |
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