Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Stitching News

First of all I'm going to remind you that we have a Checkley Funday Sewday coming up on Sunday, 27th of October. If you haven't booked already, the fee is £20.00 paid in advance and £25 if you opt to pay on the day.

Now to catch up on a few project pictures.

Farmer Lynda could not be any happier with her latest gifting quilt. It is very cute though isn't it. While she searched for 'just the right fabrics' I pointed her to my trolley of landscape and animal prints, Lynda didn't quite squeal with delight when she saw the giraffe print, but it was close! 

Josie held up this quilt top while confessing that she had finished it way back in 2016, or maybe the year before. When she realized how large it was she put it away, fearful of the actual quilting part. But now, she's booked to make a sandwich and to get on with it, she might have started to eat spinach from a can too?
I took my still unfinished Randolph and Rudy quilt in to show it off. My Thursday class ladies were impressed. Some have the pattern already. Lick-etty- Split, Jan got her very own self a copy and made a start on the cutting and labeling, there's a lot of that to be done.

Shirley took great care pinning her last cushion top. 
She likes precise precision, just like my very own self. 
Quilting cushion fronts is so satisfying in between larger projects.

Julie is making great progress with this, her second, Annie's Garden quilt top. Just one more strip to be made, lots of Pinwheels will be needed, the applique flowers are already sorted.

This is a fabulous and finished quilted cushion, made by Josie. She had purchased the pattern for the flower applique online, as a kit. Not knowing what to do with it once the applique was finished we all put in our two penn'orth ( I Googled the spelling, very interesting!) The beautiful Batik border sets off the floral display perfectly. toot toot toot Josie.

I do have a few more photos but I have to go to organize a rather large shipment of new fabrics that appeared earlier today. That old excuse!!!

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