Sunday, 11 October 2015

The Blooming Stretch Fabric

My Kate Tunic, number three, is finally finished... toot toot toots to me!!!
The first two took only an afternoon each but this one... boy was it tricky!
The fabric is a Knit from my favourite Art Gallery Fabrics .... it is absolutely lovely to touch... like they say, you can Feel The Difference. 
It's not their fault that I struggled making this tunic.... it was all me, my very own silly self... who loves to make things, quilts in particular, using the very stable and super easy 100% craft cotton... the sort my very own shop is full of.
Why I decided to order a stretchy fabric is beyond me!! ha ha ha... but I do love my new Knit Kate Tunic. I plan to wear it until it falls to pieces!!!
But I will not be making another stretchy one for a long time... even though I have new stretchy, knit Art Gallery fabric here waiting to be played with!!!

There's a bag making workshop tomorrow in my very own classroom, so I will go into quilty quarters to make none-stretchy 'How To's" with very stable 100% Craft Cotton... which also makes wonderful Kate Tunics... Have you made one yet?


Anonymous said...

We shall make a day so that I can have a go at a tunic please Mummy! xx

Angie said...

We shall indeed Mrs. Jones xxx