Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Stitching News With Tooting

Just Jan finished this lovely quilt in good time for her daughter to return to Uni...
but the poor girl wasn't allowed to take it with her.... 
Jan knows the routine you see... We want to see your finishes, we love looking at them! 
Time for our famous (?) toot toot tooting fanfare for the fabulous finish 

Here's the fabulous backing Jan made with the leftover fabrics.
Great quilting... you know we don't always have to do complex and tricky stitching...
You can practice PMS (Pleasing My Self!)
The quilt will be returned to it's lucky owner today.
Lady Judith must have been a very good girl last your because Santa had treated her to a new Juki sewing machine... wooohooooo. Her old one had been a little tricky but now it will go in for surgery to make it good again.
Meanwhile Lady Judith has returned to these fabulous and very bright,
Stack-n-Whack Kaleidoscope blocks... started waaaaay back in 2012!
Princess Jackie, our First Prize Winning quilter, has been carefully stitching all the tiny detail on her latest project, a wall hanging... a sandwich moment was spotted and pins were put, so now the delicate quilting can be steadily stitched too... Isn't it amazing!! 
New Sue brought in one of her workshop samples... fabulous, I love all the bits too!
 It looks even better than in the photos Sue had sent to me over sewing prevention season... The workshop involves using a Charm pack... that's why we called it
Charming Dinner For Two... quirky eh!
The workshop uses Basic piecing, applique, basic quilting and Brilliant Binding. Weather permitting, as it is January, it will be on Saturday 23rd January... just so you know.

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