Sunday, 10 January 2016

Stitching News

Oooooh... what a week that was... seems everyone is starting new projects... fabulous news!! Lots of my time has been used up doing the mathemisms for all the new creations so, the few pictures I took during classes this week are here for you....
This is a picture from yesterday, Sandwich Saturday. It belongs to Marilla who wanted her quilt hand basted so that she can hand quilt it... it takes a little longer to baste than to pin (understatement!) but with three of us dabbling, it didn't take a whole week and Marilla says it usually takes her about that... 

Jenny Barlaston treated herself to a Bendy Bag and bits day...
These cute little bags make great gift and they're so much fun to make. Even though Jenny has made lots and lots of Bendy Bags, she still refers to the pattern a lot... I think there was a little PMS and not much pattern checking with this purple one though! ha ha ha

Kate arrived with her pot coil already covered... that's a job that can be done while watching the TV at home, so she was able to make both of these pots during one Friday Quilt Club Day. Would you believe that both pots used 15metres of cord... It's true... Oh yes.... they're finished and fabulous, so toot toot toot Kate.

Fiona Too is very happy with this latest kiddy play mat... the fabrics are all fabulous and co-ordinate ever so well.... and they are all from my very own shop! Borders have been chosen so I expect we will need to squeeze in sandwich making next time.

Jeannette Dilly arrived with Man Flu!!!... my goodness she was suffering... I had to remind her that we didn't need reminding every ten minutes how ill she felt... so you see... it was real man flu as that's what they do! she still managed to stitch these two cushion fronts though... lovely

Brenda Barbara had a great sewing prevention season and is now full of new ideas... first though, to finish this wonderful Dolphin cushion. A zip was stitched into the backing and ... pretty much lick-etty-split... it was finished.

Di Butterfly rushed through the door and got straight away involved in making up these two sandwiches. Jenny Barlaston was on hand to help with the pinning so it was done super quick...

This is the second sandwich Di made....  Jean will be happy... can you see the flange? She loves a flange!.. So, I am guessing that Di Butterfly will be stitching up a storm with a walking foot now.

We've run out of the pre-cut I-Spy packs now so I started to cut more six inch squares ready to make new ones. I cut the little boat fabric first... then went off on a tangent and this is what happened... good eh. I gave all the squares to My Mum Gwynneth to sew together... now that she's selling little quilts I thought I could help her make another! ha ha ha


Sue said...

Thank you for blogging Ange lovely projects to look at and admire

Angie said...

Thank you for thanking me Sue... I only did it for you you know!!! ha ha ha

Maggi said...

Love Marilla's quilt.