Sunday 19 March 2017

Stitching News

Jean Bean held up her fabulous and finished quilt for us to give out a toot toot toot fanfare.. A perfect panel print for the centre finished with co-ordinating Piano Keys in the border. Baby arrived already so the last few stitches on the binding were done at breakneck speed

With a lovely pieced backing that makes the quilt quite reversible and we can see the quilting better from the back... label is attached too

And here's a close picture of that very label... trimmed with quaint ribbon...
A Snuggle Hug
What a lovely gift for a new arrival!!

Lady Judith decided to crack on with her Pineapple Blossom cushion blocks... they had been pushed aside for the Hidden Wells project... What a wonderful Wow of a cushion this will be...the poppy fabric is a recent arrival from Moda.
All 16 blocks were finished just before hometime.

We've had another new addict join us... Christine.
She made this beginner cushion during normal class time and is already planning other projects... we all understand that feeling don't we?

We wrapped up the final Block Of The Month workshops and the ladies are slowly adding them all together. Annbacan chose to quilt each 16 inch block as a separate project and to join them together appartment-ly... there's still hand stitching to be done on the binding.

Monday Sheila decided that was the way to go too, appartment quilting I mean... Sheila's blocks were a little more liberated in size but that never worries her... she could be the queen of Quilt Fudge!

Just Edna, if I remember correctly, only needs 280 of these arcs for her King Sized Double Wedding Ring quilt... 53 to go then Edna?

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